Tuesday, December 18, 2007

I Sprung a Leak (cont.)

Ok, so I went to the Dr. today for my follow-up visit. It wasn't really what I had expected it to be, but if the doctor is correct with the outcome, I will be quite happy (as will my moms).

The visit started as usual. I had a 10 AM appointment and has in the waiting room until 10:20ish, followed by the standard triage with the nurse, and then more waiting for the doctor while in the room.

It was well after 11 when the doctor finally came to see me. Of course, she removed the bandage first. With the bandage came the packing material. Then she instructed me to lie down on the bed. She began with a squeeze. Angel later told me that more white stuff was produced. She squeezed it and played with it enough to get it all out.

Once she was done with that, she decided to go digging. She pulled out a set of tweezers, and not the normal kind either. These things had tips that were in the shape of a V. They were certainly designed for grabbing. She stuck that thing in my back and started pulling and wiggling. To my surprise, the pain wasn't too bad. Mind you she was doing this without any anesthesia.

All the while she was digging around, she kept asking me if I was ok. Apparently she either thought she was hurting me or I was going to pass out from shock. Well, I have a high pain tolerance, so this wasn't a big deal, I can't knock her for it, but I did find it odd. Seemed like every 30 seconds she was asking me if I was ok.

Once she got so far, she started calling for a nurse. Well, either the Dr wasn't loud enough, or they didn't care to listen. Angel was sent to get a nurse. However, apparently she didn't move fast enough, so the doctor left me lying there alone. I didn't know it until later, but the doctor had grabbed this sack from in the wound and had it exposed, sticking out like. Angel told me about it afterward.

So, the reason she was calling for a nurse was that she needed a knife. So, this thing is sticking out of my back and out of my lump, and she starts cutting. By this time, her questions had increased to about every 10 seconds. Honestly, it didn't hurt that bad.

It sore now, more than it was on Friday, but not sore enough for me to want to take anything for it. I've still got the 15 Vicodin on the counter. Anyway, I hope this is the end of the episode with this lump. Supposedly, if she is correct, since she removed the sack, this lump should heal back down flush to my skin and be gone. I guess time will tell on that one. I go back to see her next Wednesday.

I find it funny, that I don't worry about the lump coming back. It has been her so long, it is just there. However, now that it has ruptured it is a whole different matter. But the point I'm trying to get to is that I'm more worried about the bill after all of this is done with than what the actual result is after it is healed.

I would like to think that this is over. Then I wouldn't be required to see a surgeon in a hospital for surgery (thus saving money), but part of me doesn't really expect that outcome. Maybe I will be surprised, maybe not. When I know something more, I'll certainly be providing the update here.


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