Wednesday, November 21, 2007

P90X Day 9

Well, today's routine was skipped. This AM I had to visit the doctor, which is a completely different rant, but anyway, I didn't get an opportunity to exercise during work and Angel was running errands all day. Also, since yesterday was Angel's birthday, when I was done with work, we went out. So, the end result is no workout.

To make the issue worse, we did not follow our diet very well last night either. We went to eat at a steak restaurant. We both ordered smart choices for our meals, however, Angel insisted on dessert. Well, I wasn't expecting to have any, as I was already stuffed, but the dessert she ordered was huge. Certainly enough for two people. So, things started out ok, but in real short order, we busted out of that diet. Well, it is only twice since we started. We'll see how well this thing sticks thru the holidays.

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Monday, November 19, 2007

NWN 2 (continued)

Well, I put in some long playing time into NWN2 yesterday. I played from about 1 PM to 1 AM with some minor interruptions along the way (like work stuff). Anyway, I was finding the story enjoyable up until the point of my arrival to Neverwinter.

Once again, one of the districts of Neverwinter are closed down for some reason or other. You have a decision to make regarding how to obtain access to said area, in the same fashion as in NWN1. Last time it was a plague, this time it is because a noble had been killed. WTF? Of all of the puzzles that could have been created, why repeat one that is going to require so much time and effort that had already played out in NWN1?

I think the player/companion interaction is more interesting in this version. I don't know if it is because it was a new concept in NWN1 that I didn't enjoy it as much or because of how they implemented it this time. For example, the teifling in the group has a bounty on her head and you have to assist her with getting it removed or be subject to random attacks within the city along the way.

Thus far, there has only been one mission that I have accepted that I can't complete. I can't seem to manage how to get one of the crypts open in the graveyard. I am pretty sure that I have exhausted every obvious attempt at getting one of the three doors (Outside door and 2 doors that are guard jail cells in another). I've moved on from this mission, but there are 3 poor soldiers stuck in that graveyard somewhere. Maybe I'll look for a spoiler instruction set somewhere online. However, I have found those to be a slippery slope. Once you start using them, you keep going back to it. I don't want to do that yet. It is way too early in the game.

I was happy to see that acquiring companions has been done in a different setting. Instead of them just happening to be in a tavern looking for work, you can choose to assist them or not in their "time of need" and even then you can either accept or reject them from the party. Also, the story begins with a journey to the city. If I recall last time, you started in the city and had to figure out what the hell was going on. However, it has been so long since I played NWN1, I don't recall. All be told, so far, the game seems to be keeping my attention and I'm enjoying it (graphics issues or not).

One thing I was quite disappointed to see is that one of the gameplay rules have been omitted from the previous version of the game. There doesn't seem to be any reaction from anyone if you are walking thru a town or fort or where ever with weapons drawn. I thought that was an obvious role playing standard. If you look hostile then people will treat you as such. However, even in the city of Neverwinter, the guards do not have a reaction to you talking with them while brandishing your weapon. Seems sorta light to me. I know that if someone walked into my neighborhood carrying a sword, axe, hammer, etc. I would treat them differently than if it were concealed or stowed rather than in hand.

Just my .02.

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P90X Day 8

Don't ask where P90X Day 7 went. It doesn't exist. Days on a multiple of 7 are rest days (aka. every Sunday). I know you don't want to hear about my 12 hours of NWN2 that was my Sunday, well, at least not here. So, here we are again, Phase 1 Day 1, Chest & Back followed by some Ab Ripper X. Today was a busy day at work, so today's workout was done after work at ~8 o'clock. This was a bad idea.

I felt dogged before I even started the workout. Trying to "Bring it!" was a hard task, but I brought it as I had it. I did work. It was tough. But I do know one thing, I am much less sore right now than I was last Monday at the same point in time. I don't know what tomorrow might bring, but right now I feel some minor discomfort, but I think I'll be able to sleep this off. I'll let you know tomorrow.

I think there were really two things that played into my fatigue during the routine. The first being the time of day as I had mentioned. However, as directly related to time of day, my eating habits could have had an impact. The only thing I had to eat (if you can call it that) today was my protein shake for breakfast around 11:30 AM. I had some tea thru the work day, but nothing substantial to prepare my body for the routine. Had I started my workout around 2 or 3, as we usually like to workout, I think I would have had the explosive energy that I'm used to having with which to workout.

Well, today I actually followed the instructions provided and logged the number of reps that I did for each exercise. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet (yes I know why they told me to do it, that wasn't my point, keep reading). I've thought about a Google Spreadsheet published so you can see my progress. However, the numbers look so bad right now, I might just keep it to myself. When I decide you will know.

Today's Ab Ripper X routine marks the third in the series. To my surprise, this is getting harder instead of easier. From what I can gather thus far, the first couple of rounds were for motion mastery. However, from motion mastery we get to the strength training. So, now that we know the movements, it is time to get serious. Each movement is done to a count of 25. I guess things appear to be getting harder because I'm pushing harder to make 25 through each exercise. Last week it was about doing it for the allotted time, and now I'm trying to survive each movement at pace at count. Therefore, things further into the routine are appearing to become harder, when in actuality, I'm just getting more tired. Interesting dynamic.

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Sunday, November 18, 2007

NeverWinter Nights 2

Well, I finally did it. I have installed NWN2 on my system. It has only taken 11 months for me to take that plunge. Anyway, my initial opinion is good of the game, however, I've only finished the introductory missions.

For the most part, the game is running well on my system. I do have a complaint about the quality of the graphics. Granted, I only have the minimum specs, that doesn't excuse skins from looking "speculated" and semi transparent. I'm finding this graphical nature quite difficult to deal with. I would expect with shading and other features disabled that the people with which I have to interact would appear whole.

The eyes are the most interesting part. Their skin (bare exposed skin, clothing doesn't suffer this same effect) has this semi transparent and speculated appearance. However, the eyes are complete spheres hovering within this frame that suggests a face. Granted, this graphical anomaly doesn't detract from the quality of game play, I had just expected better.

I have to agree with other words of caution that I've previously received from other players. The speed of interaction with the game is much impaired in comparison with NWN1. Trying to rotate the screen with the mouse at the edge of the screen is hit-or-miss at best. Trying to get the "free form" camera angles to cooperate is difficult at best. There have already been times that the camera was facing directly down at the party or up from the ground. I found both situations to be frustrating to try to get a useful angle at the party.

I have found one aspect of the game that is not different from the original. The mini map. The map always stays oriented north regardless of your play camera angle. I personally find this frustrating to no end. I am continuously running in circles just to be my head wrapped around what the map is trying to tell me and how to get to what I want to see or do.

The next thing that I'm finding incredibly annoying is the fact that I have to now maintain my henchmen. WTF? I am playing the game as one character, not a party. Why do the henchmen not take care of their own level-ups? I do not play wizards or clerics and typically not a fighter. However, I now have to ensure that I make the right decisions regarding their character progression. If I wanted to play a spellcaster or a fighter I would have selected that at the beginning. Why do I have to put up with this now? For all I know the decisions I make now can have good or bad consequences in the future. That is some serious pressure when trying to manage character types that I don't play.

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P90X Day 6

The last day of the first week. For the most part I rested this day, we started our workout after 9PM, which was after Angel got home from work. Today's workout is called Kenpo. I didn't have a clue what this all was going to include until I did some research online. Kenpo is a style of martial art. However, after doing the workout, the martial art aspect of the workout is missing. The workout just included multiple series of punches and kicks. There wasn't any discipline or any mumbo jumbo to go with it. This was a high cardio workout, low impact (assuming you do it properly). Apparently I can't punch properly with my left hand and I put some stress on my left elbow that appears to have disappeared with some sleep last night.

I have to say, I will be looking forward to this workout on a weekly basis. It is definitely a workout because the sweat you break is no joke. Also, the horse stance that is maintained for many movements is a bear on your quads. However, with the exception of making sure that I don't peak out my heart rate and getting the movements right (coordination is key to this exercise), it is not very difficult and is pretty fun.

There is one important key with this workout. You have to make sure that your exercise area is clear of foreign objects. Last night, one of the punching sequences included uppercuts and I found the ball that is on the corner of the foot board of the spare bed. Thankfully I didn't break anything, just got a cut and some bruising, but it could have been much worse.

Our meals yesterday included tuna salad for lunch and chicken salad for dinner. I guess I cheated a little bit because I ate each as sandwiches, but I need the extra carbs anyway. I've been feeling a bit lethargic lately and I think the additional carbs will resolve that problem. Man cannot live on protein and fat alone. :)

Today, Sunday, is our down day or rest day. We won't have another update for you until after tomorrow's workout. Therefore, we are 1 week down of 13 and things are going relatively well. I think that even with our minor meal setback on Friday, our discipline and motivation are still quite high. The workout that I've outlined this past week will continue for 2 more weeks before it is time to switch things up. Week 4 will be a "rest" week, though it will be no easier then the previous weeks, it doesn't include weight training, only cardio. Then our schedule will change up in Week 5.

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