Friday, December 24, 2010


You all know that a poet I am not.  However, while I was walking to work this evening [just a hair under a 1/2 mile], I had the start of a thing just come to me.  I didn't try to make it rhyme or force on it any specific pentameter in mind.  Not being an expert on the subject, it is possible that it is within some standard form.  Anyway, it is just a little something:

Here I sit waiting for the phone to ring. 

To whom do I await such a call, but no one. 
For a silent phone means that all is well

It is Christmas morning and far away I sit.

I wish that everyone else is happy and well.
I hope that my sacrifice is appreciated by all.

It is my hope that everyone should know what they have.

Have and hold; See and surround them.
Their creature comforts to all of their freedoms.

I serve my country to preserve our rights.

To maintain what we have and provide it to others.
Why can't they see how this can help them?

I'm not sure I exactly like it or feel that it is even complete.  But it is what I have at this time and I wanted to share.

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