Saturday, December 15, 2007

I Sprung a Leak

Well, it isn't very often that I have much to report that could be remotely classified as interesting. Tonight, that trend was bucked. I had to go to the hospital. As most of you know, I have a lump on my back. This lump has been there for over 5 years. Recently, this lump has increased in size. I have had 3 doctors previously review what it is and none of them indicated that there should be any reason for concern. I was instructed that if I wanted it to be removed, that it would be for aesthetic purposes only unless it should start to give me problems.

Well, tonight, at about midnight, my first problem has arrived. I had to work late tonight. There was some change going into our web environment and I was tasked to validate that the changes were successful. Also, following this validation, I was charged with backing up an application. Therefore, I knew that I would be spending some additional time regarding work tonight.

So, about the time that we completed the validation of the web changes and before I started the application backup, I had a sharp pain hit me in the back in the area of my lump. I didn't know what to think of it, but as a normal reaction, I reached back to see what was going on there. I didn't even get my hand 1/2 way up my back when I started to notice there was a liquid flowing down my side.

I head to the bathroom and take off my shirt. Once topless, I could see what was going on. My lump ruptured. I didn't think much of this at first. Then, since there was a hole in it anyway, I squeezed it like a zit, but softly at first. Well, it didn't take much pressure to get a response. A thick white substance began to emerge from the lump. This wasn't like the core of a zit though. This was soft and pliable. And it had a serious odor to it, like the offensive type.

Since the lump is in a difficult place to reach on my back, I decided to get Angel to help me with the extraction of the material from my back. Now, I was doing the squeezing and she was catching what she could in a hand towel. I thought this was a good idea for a couple of reasons. #1. it was better than flinging this stuff on the floor and #2. I didn't want to spray the walls with it either. At one point, when we were getting to the point that it was starting to reduce to nothing, I had her put the towel down and squeeze. Some of this white stuff flew right past her head. It was comical.

Anyway, not long thereafter, as I would squeeze, I was starting to get blood. At this time I was in need of help. My neck was getting sore from trying to bend and twist so I was comfortable and could see what I was doing and the lump was starting to move around where I would have needed 2 hands to get adequate pressure around it to extract more of this substance. I asked Angel to help but, she didn't feel comfortable with that idea. Therefore, we headed to the hospital to get professional assistance.

To expedite the conversation, just be sure to understand that I was not an urgent patient and therefore sat for some considerable period of time to be treated by the Dr. Anyway, once he had time for me, he numbed me up, cut the lump and extracted the remaining substance from the area. However, there is still a fatty lesion remaining that a general surgeon will be needed to remove completely/properly.

Therefore, I think it will be just a matter of time until I am free of this thing and for those of you (mother) that are worried about the fact that it is growing, relax, it just shrank and did so considerably.

I did find it funny that the Dr. prescribed me an antibiotic AND Vicodin. Really, I understand the antibiotic. He doesn't want it to become infected again, especially since it was left open to drain. However, the Vicodin came as a surprise. How much pain can this thing really put me in? I don't expect too much pain. Although, I might be surprised. I should know in a few hours once the local anestesia wears off.

I'll let you know how this turns out.

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Monday, December 10, 2007

December to date - 12/10

Well, life has been busy. Between work, workouts, house cleaning and holiday decorating, time has been scarce. I am not complaining, however, 24 hours is a day is certainly too few. Therefore, something has got to give. In my case, in the interests of productivity, blogging has suffered the most. I would like to create a daily update, but this has not been possible. I have not abandoned the use of this, just frequency has been seriously cut.

Once I get them taken, there will be photos of the house all decorated, inside-and-out, there will be more updates regarding P90X milestones (like tonight is day 30 & it is photo progress update time already) and general life/work/holiday updates will also come around.

What I'm getting at is, check back when you can, I can't promise the frequency of updates. I would like to promise that I won't go weeks again without updates, but I can't hold myself to that at this time.


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Metallica Documentary: Some Kind of Monster

So, yesterday we were at the local mall, Discover Mills, doing our Christmas shopping. One of the stores we were poking around in was FYE. In our casual browsing of the titles, we came across the Metallica Documentary: Some Kind of Monster. This title was available used for only $10. I just couldn't pass it up. I had heard great things about it and I had to finally see it for myself and at that price, the timing was perfect. Being a Metallica fan, even after Load, Reload, and their negative publicity regarding Napster, once we got home I had to pop it in.

I didn't know what to expect. I didn't know if this was some sort of Rockumentary (like MTV or VH1 used to produce) or a movie regarding something that the band had conjured in their minds, but a review of the entire recording process for St. Anger had not popped into my head.

This movie was deep. The side of Metallica that was portrayed was moving and new. Metallica for me has always appeared to be a band that somehow creates great music and work in harmony. I am not saying that they never had to face adversity, because some of it is well known. Such as the tragic accident that claimed Cliff Burton's life or the severe burns that James Hetfield received from on-stage pyrotechnics, but the interpersonal issues that they have was incredible to see.

I think the movie kind of shattered my vision of what being Metallica actually means, however, it certainly humanized the band. Everything is not easy and perfect for them. I have learned that they have control issues, communication issues, and all of the other aspects of working closely with people for a long period of time tends to bring about.

I do have to say though, seeing Lars and James with kids is odd. I can't imagine growing up with a parent that is in a rock band, but to be in Metallica is just amazing. What do you say to your classmates when you talk about your parents? Yeah, my dad is the singer/drummer/guitar player in Metallica. Then, with their age, the question would become, who in the hell is Metallica? It is a shame and maybe I'm thinking that I'm one of too few, but how many kids in k-5 that will have been exposed to them? I know my kids will be, but really, how many are?

Also, watching this film has really allowed me to see how they are aging. Being as iconic as they are, it is hard to accept that they are getting old. James is even showing grays. It is a tough pill to swallow. I know that James cutting his hair was a drastic move, but I like to think of him pre-Load with the long hair that is so iconic of the time that they originated.

It has been quite a while since I have listened to the disk. I forgot how much I enjoyed many of the songs on it. They might not be "traditional Metallica", but it is certainly Metallica none-the-less.

This period of insite into what is Metallica really got me to start thinking. How old is St. Anger? What is going on in Metallica land? Well, I had to check on this. I hit up their website and found that supposedly they are working on a new disk. There are no details regarding this work and I'm not even certain by the way the post was phrased if they are even working on one. However, I would like to think that they are working on one. I think it is about time to get some new Metallica in our hands. Think about it, they have recently accepted a new bassist, I know I'm anxious to see what he has to contribute to a new disk.

Overall, this 2 hour movie certainly helped to increase my appreciation for their latest disk, St. Anger.

Hail Metallica. \m/ Rock on!

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