Sunday, February 1, 2009

Re-Introduction to Console Gaming - Wii

So, this year for Christmas, we decided to do something different. Instead of each of us buying the other something, we chose to buy us something for us. We're now the new, proud owners of a Nintendo Wii system. Also, since it is such a big ticket item, it was certainly something we wouldn't have purchased otherwise.

Although, once we got the system home and started playing it, I quickly decided that it was a shame that I had waited so long to get one. The interface is engaging enough to be fun and not so complex to exclude new gamers. I guess that is the core reason why it is doing so well across all age brackets.

As far as games go, our collect is still relatively small. We started out with Wii Sports (came with the system), Rayman 2, and Wii Party. Generally speaking, each of these games are group games. Rayman and Wii Party are designed to be played socially. There isn't much to them in regards to single player appeal.

Wii Sports is fun solo or in number. However, I've only taken to tennis and bowling. The golf seemed to be overly simplistic and unrealistic with my "real" golf swing and boxing was just utterly frustrating. I guess boxing may be more fun with other people, but I just didn't get the bug for it solo.

I furthered our game collection with Dream Pinball and Super Swing Golf. Dream Pinball is not a gamers game. It is just what it advertises: pinball. However, in their design of the game, they must not have been pinball players. Not all of the boards have "missions" like modern tables do. I frequently got the feeling that I was just smacking the ball around to get points with no real objective other than a high score. I'm sorry, but score is not all that the game is about. It is the skill of being able to manage the table to complete the tasks before you. Well, that game's appeal was quickly lost when on my first attempt at one of the tables finished out at over 1 billion. At that point, Angel didn't want to play any more that day.

As for Super Swing Golf, this one is interesting. It is also one of those games that has multiplayer appeal. The controls are available as motion detection or button timing. For multiplayer, motion detection is certainly the way to go. For single player, not so much. In order to be even remotely competitive with the bots, you have to go for button timing. The motion detection controls are just not consistent enough, as you might imagine. I also found the motion detection method frustrating, even more so than Wii Sports golf. Super Swing Golf tried to make the feel of a real swing tie into the game. You can do a whole bunch of things with your wrists to affect the flight of the ball. However, the power bar doesn't use speed as a determining factor but rotation. The farther you pull the wiimote back and above your head, the more power you will put on it. However, in order for me to get full power, I had to use one hand to swing. Not very realistic. Also, timing the swing and button press to strike the ball is a pain because you have to position yourself such that you can swing and see the powerbar at the same time while flipping your arms around. Maybe I'm just not a very good golfer. :)

So, I then started to poke around in the channels. I saw previews for some games that really drew me in, but I didn't react immediately. Although, when Exile made the suggestion to get one of the games, I was sold. Therefore, I bought some credits and downloaded World of Goo and Tetris Party. Exile suggested Goo. Well, it was a good thing that I chose a 3 day weekend to start this adventure because I totally squandered my 3 day vaca. Once I started playing World of Goo, I couldn't stop. By Monday night, I had the game beat with the exception of the OCD challenges and 2 levels that I just couldn't bring myself to find the determination to finish.

So, between very interactive games, fun games, and downloadable games, I can certainly see us getting plenty of use out of our system. I can't speak for Angel, but I will say that Mario Cart and Wii Fit are on my future purchase list.

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Angel's 30!!

So, I had way too much fun leading up to Angel's birthday. Granted, this was only fun as the younger one that has yet to reach that milestone. We didn't have anything extravagant planned, but we did mange to make it a good night.

Well, apparently I had executed an interesting faux pas prior to the day in question. Historically, I've only felt compelled to inquire against someone's desire for a gift in the event that I don't already know. Therefore, I knew what the gift would be and never asked. As to some additional logic, I knew the item in question would not be on the request list even though the item was a wishlist item. Therefore, since I knew better, I didn't feel the need to ask. Well, this caused all kinds of fears. I got an e-mail from Angel's mom saying that a comment was made regarding me forgetting about their birthday. I guess I never realized that it was an obligatory inquiry instead of a necessity. Of course I didn't forget.

Anyway, the enjoyment for me started the night before her b-day. I kept giving her periodic updates as to the impending midnight hour. I would give her comments like "you only have 2 hours left as a 20-something" or my favorite one, "you only have x time before you are OLD". There were a few others, but those were the memorable ones.

So, in typical fashion, I waited until the day before to go shopping. Thankfully I knew what I was after and where I was getting it from. Therefore, it wasn't a huge deal. I also had further reason for the delay. I knew if I were to have gone shopping earlier, she would have seen the transaction against our account. And it wasn't a particularly small transaction that would have been easily overlooked.

So, even with the periodic time updates for "crossing the line", I made up for it with my gift. I purchased her a set of Diamond Audio D363.5 component speakers. Back around April, I was looking for some more hardware for my car and Angel was with me. She had an opportunity to "view" several tiers of the Diamond Audio line. She instantly fell in love with them. I knew that I couldn't go wrong with them, even if I did stay with their lowest tier. So, at about 12:20 AM on her birthday, I delivered the gift. I couldn't wait. I wanted to see the reaction. I just knew I'd catch her off guard. And I certainly succeeded.

Well, of course, with the delivery of a gift as such, soon followed the installation of the speakers. Angel did the majority of the deconstruction of the dashboard and doors. I had to step in for a couple of things, but she handled the bulk of it. Once we were inside the doors we quickly found out that we would have to obtain an adapter to install the mid-range speakers. The mounting point was square and of course the round speaker was designed to be installed, well, round.

Well, it just so happened that we were taking a trip to Pittsburgh which allowed me to hand deliver the original speaker and the replacement speaker to Mike (proprietor of since photos and measurements provided over the phone were not ample to the identification of the correct adapter. He was unable to readily identify the adapter because Hyundia is a model that he hasn't worked with in the past. Therefore, while we were home, he was able to do the fabrication and send us on our way with our new parts.

When we got home, we cut the holes in the covers for the A-pillar, found homes for the crossovers (in the dashboard incidentally) and wired it up. It was such a pleasure to hear them for the first time in their new homes. The difference from factory to aftermarket is just so profound it isn't very funny.

Once we got the car reassembled, it was time to start cruising around to hear how traveling effected the system. Well, even without a 4 channel amp to push the component system, the results are great. I know that Angel is pleased with the results and that just makes me happy.

In closing, I highly recommend after market component speakers to anyone who is looking to improve the clarity and definition of their car stereo system. Please remember, you get what you pay for. Therefore, if you go to Wally-World and buy the $50 specials and are then not happy with their performance, don't blame me.

Additionally, the tweeter placement is also very important. I cannot give you pointers on this because I've only dabbled into this arena just recently. I have seen only two configurations with any real scrutiny and there are, by far, many more than that to choose from. I can say that there is a stark difference between my car and Angel's. This is not only due to speaker design & manufacturing differences (i.e. cost) but also from installation placement. My system has front to back depth whereas her's has a left-to-right depth.

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