Saturday, October 20, 2007

Household Chores

Well, today I decide to take on the belt problems we have in the house. Our attic fan is out of commission because of a belt and our washing machine is making a ton of racket because its belt is wearing out and missing some teeth. Since we're reaching fall and using the attic fan might become a good idea and since I'm replacing one belt, why not change the other one too. Well, this turned into an adventure.

First, the attic fan. Obviously, it is in the attic. So, I get the ladder. Enter the attic and immediately the problem is obvious. The entire belt is wrapped around the fan as it has disconnected from the motor. I retrieve the belt, and you have to see this guy (left). Please, click for a closer look. That is in piss poor shape and the scaled image doesn't give it much justice. Look at how bad of shape it is in, it created a 90 degree angle when hanging from the doorknob. Last time I talked to Ernie, he said that it was on a spring, so while I was up there, I checked out the spring. Ok, good to go.

Lets save some time right now and just understand that I dismantle the washing machine and take both belts to the local auto parts store. Both belts were in such a bad shape that neither one matched up to what they were supposed to be (in hindsight). So we take an educated guess at what belt each one was supposed to be. I get the belts home and the attic fan belt fits perfectly on the first try. So, that's task 1 done, no parts left over and 1 to go.

So, before we discuss the replacement of the belt on the washing machine, lets talk about the dismantling of it first. I don't know if it is because of the age of the machine or because that is the way things are done, but the belt is obviously not in a place designed for easy access. There are 2 main components of the machine. We've got the motor, off to the left and everything else right in the middle of frame. There are water hoses, mount points, spring tension points and other "stuff" that is required for this machine to operate which includes a total of 4 pulleys. I'm sure there is a clutch in there too somewhere. But that is not important.

Anyway, I begin with the motor. This was pretty straight forward. Take 2 bolts out and the motor is in your hand. In hindsight (again), I just had to loosen the bolts and it would have pivoted so I could have taken the belt off. The next objective is to get the belt out of the middle of this contraption. The first things I notice are the support brackets, there are 3 of them. They come off with little argument. With the motor and these brackets, I try to discern how the belt was designed to be removed. I determine that the belt must come around (outside) the entire unit. This seemed to be a simple task. There was an exception to this that I later discovered.

The belt effortless came toward me, had to disconnect some water hoses, but that's minor. However, it was at this point that I discovered the challenge in this activity. One (of three) vertical mount points was stopping me from removing the belt. Ok, I take out this one bolt and I got the belt free from that, but there was another shaft that I didn't previous notice. After some examination I determine that this is attached to a plate that is under springs. Somehow this is part of the auto leveling system (or whatever that is called).

This shaft has threads and a bolt by this plate. So, I attempted to make the shaft shorter by screwing the bolt further on the threads. Nope, that didn't work, the shaft has a nipple that aligns thru the plate. Ok, lets try to disconnect the shaft from the plate (hopefully the shaft is in place with pressure) and unscrew the bolt against the shaft (making it longer and pulling the nipple out of place). This worked, the nipple came free, but the shaft would not move from where it was. Damn it. What now?

Well, on a guess I remove the bolts from the other 2 vertical mount points for the unit an hope that it doesn't fall to the ground or apart on me. We have success here. With the vertical mounts disconnected, it separated the plate from the shaft. Also note, the unit will only slide so far down. It didn't drop down on me in a blaze of glory. I then rotated the belt until one of the sections of missing teeth were in that place and pulled the belt free.

Is it just me or could they have done this another way? Couldn't they have put all of the pulleys below the mess of the internals and ran the shaft up to spin the basin thru a bearing in the housing (I assume this housing is a water pump) and this could have been a 30 second job rather than 3 hours? I guess that would have been too easy.

Anyway, so now, lets put this guy together since I now have the new belt. I pull the belt thru the gap between this shaft and plate (too some encouraging to get this done). The rest of the belt feeding was pretty straight forward. Once the belt was in place, time to put it all back together and we'll be done. Well, one can hope, can't he?

I get everything together. I'm pretty proud of myself. No parts left over and it still works. Well, I spoke too soon. I turned it to spin and nothing happened. I didn't close the lid, but that was an afterthought once I got behind the machine. The motor was spinning, but it wasn't spinning the belt. Shit, the belt is too long. The adjustment bolt for the motor was already at the extreme location. Nothing to do but get another belt. Damn, I thought it was too easy.

Now that I learned the tricks to taking it apart, I dismantled it with less mess and time then the first time. I run back to the auto parts store and get one that is 2 inches smaller. Return home and it is too small. Lets run back to the store and get one 1 inch longer then the last. Get home, put the belt on and it is it. I pull the motor and it rests in the middle of the adjustment slide.

So, I get the unit put back together and guess what. Again, no left over parts. I set it to the spin cycle and nothing. I hear the motor running and see the belt spinning, but yet there is no activity with the basin. Then I smack myself in the head and close the lid. Wait a couple seconds and there is the spinning basin. Finally, everything is back together and working.

Neither constitute a monumental status individually or combined. However, I did want to mention that companies design equipment to work, not to be fixed. Why did I have to fight the machine so much to replace a belt. Automotive makers figured this one out a long time ago when they designed the tensioner pulley. Put a breaker bar in the hole and presto, no more belt tension and the belt pretty much falls off of the car. The belts don't ride in holes or between equipment that would require more parts to be removed to replace a simple part. I don't know what more modern washing machines are like, but I sure hope that they have changed the design a bit to make quick fixes really quick.

Ok, for those that are asking, "what is all the fuss about not having any left over parts?" Well, anyone who knows me and my dad, when we work on something, particularly cars, this is a valid concern. For some reason we usually can't fix a car without having a bolt or spring or something left over. Whatever we were working on works now and still, but why do we have extra parts? We don't know. Also, the part that worries us the most is that we typically don't know where that extra part belongs.

However, just because I don't have parts left over doesn't mean we're out of the woods quite yet. There was a time that I worked on something under the hood of my car. A day or so later, discovered, that apparently, I just hand tightened a bolt and forgot to ratchet tighten it. I discovered this as I was driving down the road and BANG, clank, clank, clank... I look in my rear view and see a bolt bouncing on the road. Of course I stop and pick it up. However, I was curious to know where it came from. I popped the hood and wouldn't you know it, one of the bolts from the previous project had come out, hit the fan or belt and dropped to the ground. No harm no foul, I got home, replaced the bolt and it was a non issue. But it goes to show you that just because it works when I'm done doesn't mean the project is complete.

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Wedding Planning Down to the Wire

Ok, be forewarned, this is going to be a marathon post. Likely longer then any of the other posts thus far. I'm going to try to summarize the entire week leading up to the wedding with the exception of Friday & Saturday.

Our trip begins on Saturday with a rude ass, dark & early AM wakeup @ 5:00. What were we thinking? Angel was up before I was as she was already showered when she woke me up. I take the opportunity to shower because we're already completely packed and our ride shouldn't arrive until 5:30. Well, as soon as I step out from my shower, there are headlights in our driveway. Ernie is at least 15 minutes early. It's ok, all I have to do is get dressed, close & lock all of our windows, load the car & we're rolling.

Well, between bullshitting & what not, we don't leave until ten to six. I can't remember our flight time but, by the time we got to the airport and check in, we've got about an hour to kill. Not a big deal. We walk outside, have a smoke and decide to venture thru security. We get to the carrel point and it is a zoo. I was not expecting this number of people at the airport at this hour on a Saturday. Anyway, thankfully Hartsfield Jackson was designed to handle the throughput and we were thru there in a relatively short period of time.

Once thru security, we stop at a shop so I can grab a magazine and coffee for Angel. At this point, we also find a smoking room. I think ATL is one of the few airports that offer this luxury. By the time we finish up, board the plane. We just about walked right on the plane. And the ride to Pittsburgh was uneventful. Which is just the way we like it.

Of course, Mom, being ever impatient showed up at the curb to pick us up before we even got our luggage, we had to flag her around for another lap. There were no problems with our luggage, it came right out & we were rolling once Mom came around again. From the airport, Mom treated us to the traditional meal (breakfast this time) upon landing. Bob Evans was the choice of the day, as it is something different and something that we don't have here in ATL.

Mom took us to Angel's parents from there. We got to their house before they did, but it was not much. The day didn't really go the way Angel had planned. She had anticipated that we would work on wedding stuff. Well, we did a little, just not as much as she had expected. However, this worked out for the better. Anyway, we finally got to checkout some items that we purchased online and had shipped directly to Pittsburgh. This included, Napkins (though we received one from Mom), toasting glasses, knife, service knife, and cake topper. I was expecting that my gifts to the guys would be there by now, but to my distress, not so much. Anyway, there was much talking done but not much acting. At some point it was decided that Sunday would be our planning day to include the placement of guests.

Around 2 I started making phone calls to determine the feasibility of a group Munchkin night. On a planned basis, this is hard to pull of, this short of notice would almost make it impossible. Well, to our surprise, everyone that I talked to was going to make it. Beagle, Ray, Dave, Josh, Lisa, and ourselves. What a crew. And to top everything off, Angel's parents offered to let us use their dining room to play. I don't think they understood what they signed up for. More on this later.

Angel had her final fitting for her dress today, so I had time on my hands. Dana came over, and we ventured to the mall at about 3:30. I had to find something for Camren & I wanted to find an engraving machine. First stop, Remember When. I asked what I thought was a simple question, but I got a cryptic answer.

Q: Do you still offer embroidery services?
A: No. Only on items we sell.
Well, damn it, which one is it? So, as I stew on the answer, Dana and I walk around to check everything out. I'm hoping something will jump out at me and say, "Pick me!" We looked at almost everything in the store twice and we both managed to miss the one thing I was looking for both times (not that I knew at the time for what I was looking). So, I happened to stop to look at a off-wall display, again, and Dana points out this stuff sack. It was by Jansport, but it appeared flimsy and not very durable, though it was cute. Anyway, right above it, we found mini backpacks with embroidered names. A-ha! We have a winner. Fortunately, the display model had a nice color scheme because we later discovered that the bag color and accent embroidery was not selectable. We were stuck with what was there. Ok, so we have a winner, but can I get it in time? They say it is a 7-10 day turnaround. This is Saturday prior and I need it before Friday. That isn't going to work. Well, they have an expedite service that was very reasonably priced. So, that it is. Mission #1 accomplished.

Well, there wasn't anything left to accomplish at the mall, so we head to Petsmart (Dana's idea). It just so happened that she was right. I don't know why I didn't think of that. Anyway, the machine wasn't stocked in the same fashion as the other one that I had seen. The other one had blanks that included the standard "dog tag" shape and size. This one, being a pet store, was more focused on domestic animal sized tags. Oooh. Rough situation. An engraved rectangle is associated with humans, hearts, dog bones, tear drops and the such, not so much. Anyway, I decide that the one I get Cammy would fit well on a zipper and get a Steelers designed dog bone for him. The one that I wanted to make for Angel was a large red heart. It was fitting anyway. So, since the dog tag idea was dead, what was I going to put on it now? (My intention was to put her full name, SSN, Wedding Date, and blood type on it, official looking.) So, I throw a couple of ideas around and came up with this design:

Angela Chubarov
September 29, 2007
Love always and forever

Of course, since I'm the type that seeks approval, I show it to the family once they return and then later to the guys. The family thought it was a "nice touch" and everyone else asked me if it was what they thought it was. Then, continued to tell me that it might not be a good idea. The symbolism, if taken the wrong way, could have very bad consequences. (i.e. I'm making her my pet & placing my tag on her)

Regardless, everyone appears onsite by the prescribed start time of 8:30. Into Munchkin we go. I'm not going to say too much about this. Jason did such a nice job. But needless to say, we were loud, obnoxious, and rowdy. We played this single game till close to 2 before it was abruptly aborted. A single game. We were shocked that it lasted that long. Furthermore, for as long and loud we played, we didn't bother Mom & Dad who were sleeping upstairs. Simply amazing. Regardless of the fact that we didn't have a winner, we still had fun and it was great to hang with everyone before the hectic business of the week begins.

Well, on Sunday, after being up till past 2, we technically didn't get to sleep in as we were only allotted sleep until 11. Well, it is going to be a busy day, better get started on the work. Much of the day was consumed by validation of the dinner selections, getting the name lists to match and then the incredibly long challenge of the creation of the seating chart. I didn't have any misconceptions around this daunting task. I knew that getting it done was going to be an interesting task.

At some point in the day, it was brought to my attention that Mom wanted a scaled replica of the room layout created for us to play with later. I didn't know what she had in mind, but I wasn't about to ask at this point. So, I drew it up. BTW, architect, I am not. Though, it was well planned as we eventually did use it. Honestly, I don't remember what Mom & Angel were doing, but I was keeping myself gainfully employed.

Once I completed the room layout, One of the first ideas that I had was that each RSVP would need to be classified (to provide reference to who they were and to establish seating priority). I established a scheme and started to implement it on paper. Of course, since I was using numbers to represent groups, Angel thought I was assigning people tables. Well, not yet. I keyed all of the information I had into the source spreadsheet and printed another set of guests. Then, before trying to seat anyone yet, we cycled thru the RSVP list at least three times until all of the numbers would line up. Once we got all of the names into the spreadsheet, it was time to get all of their meal selections entered. Now that everyone has been accounted for, we need to figure out where they are going to sit.

Angel takes said list and begins to organize the tables. Seating people and discussing this task is very difficult without a visual aid. We quickly learned this once Angel was done with the first draft of the seating. She had a picture in her head, but those of us that were not involved in the creation of the order couldn't easily make heads or tails of it.

Enter me & a pair of scissors. Take another copy of the spreadsheet and chop it into pieces. Thus we are left with 180+ slivers of paper with a height of ~ 1/8 of an inch. Reorganizing these names into Angel's & Bob's was a task, regardless of each sub group. This is turning out to be too much like work. The next decision was to determine the family organization. Should we go in table numeric order (left to right/front to back) intermingling the families or should we separate them similar to the church? Well, the enlarged diagram had a tape line down the middle that made a nice separation. Angel - left, Bob -right. It didn't separate the tables in the room evenly, but this was fine. I think my family & friends took up 7 1/2 of the 19 tables.

Well, needless to say, once this round of seating, politicking, and organization completed, we were not about to loose this information. Each column of tables got a line of scotch tape & they were not going to move from their last assignment. We're done. Well, not really. Now we need to enter this information back into the computer so we can print the place cards with table assignment and meal choice. Sounds easier then it was. The place cards did not come with a template or one that could be downloaded. I had to create the template. It is the good thing my dad taught me well when it comes to printing. However, with the version of Excel we were using, I couldn't make multiple modifications to a single cell (Multiple font sizes & positions (left, center, right). The next problem that was encountered after a single page design was set, I couldn't format paint column heights. Each card had 3 cells (back of card, Name & Table, bottom margin & food choice marker - right justified) and required me to cycle thru the spreadsheet 3 times multi-selecting every third column to adjust column heights. Tedious process. Then, to be able to paste the information into the template, I had to insert 2 blank rows in between each record from the source sheet. The last required task was to insert the Alt+Enter between the name and table declaration and move the meal selection from the record and place it into the next row. What a bunch of manual work. If I had thought of it, I should have written a macro to do it for me. However, this would have likely taken just as long as the manual effort did.

By the time the information was entered into the print ready template, Mom & Dad went to bed. We should have done the same, but we didn't. We printed every one of the names that we could. We ran out of paper before finishing. Well, no paper, no work. No more work, time for bed. We'll work on the last of the details of this later.

As with every subsequent day this week, we're up early. 7:00 at the latest. We've got to take Mom & Dad to work, otherwise, we won't have transportation. That's not an option, so we labor to awake this early. After dropping the rents at work, mission #1 is get our marriage license downtown. I'm sure everyone knows how things can be at the city/county building. This can be quick or take all day. Well, to our surprise, it didn't take us but an hour to complete the task from departure of the vehicle to return. Not bad at all.

Since this is one of the few tasks that we had over planned for, what do we do now? Let's stop to see my dad & borrow their camera. To date, we don't have the layout to our programs completed. On of the things we wanted to do was have a photo of the church on the cover. Well, we don't have any print ready artwork, so we need to go create some. We have a rushed visit with my dad and we're off again. Heading to Office Max, but stopping at house first to get a copy of the paper we need. On the way to the house, we stop at the church. We were passing it anyway. So we spend a few minutes getting some shots from around the church. 18 in all, once I was done. However, there was a situation of note that occurred while I was doing this. The last picture, i was really getting into the spirit of photography. I started talking to the church.
"Oh yeah, just like that. Make love to the camera, yeah, yeah, just like that..."
Apparently I was talking just loud enough. Angel heard me doing it. She just started rolling. I guess it was really funny. Although, I guess there must have been a reason to have started finding that enthusiasm with photography. It was a very nice shot, however, we later located a stylized ink pen drawing of the church from the exact same perspective. Coincidence, not sure. Sure was odd though.

From the church to a quick stop at the house and off to Office Max. Well, wouldn't you believe that they didn't have what we wanted and furthermore didn't have anything that I would have considered using in the first place. Unfortunately, this means another trip to Pat Catan's. What a shame, we just came from that side of town. We take the trip from Scott to Stowe and are left with very little time before having to pick the rents up from work. What do we do now? Do we head to house and get the rest of the cards printed?, do we go to Dad's and create a quick 15 minute mock up? Do we say screw both and just head to Robinson? Decisions, decisions. We go to my dad's and create the mock up. I literally only had 15 minutes to do something with him barking objections over my shoulder. Which part of mock-up did he miss? Anyway, some symbolance of page one and 2 are created, punched, & tied. Just enough to get they layout idea across to the parents. We're off again.

From my dad's, we head to pick up the rents. From picking up the rents, we head to our meeting with the Bradley House. The meeting went well, however, once again, we had issues with numbers. They were not lining up. Eventually we get everything straight and re-review the final plans and arrangements. Everything is set and things appear to be going well with them. By the way, working with the Bradley House was wonderful (from my perspective). They were absolutely professional and personal, which you don't usually get both. All of the arrangements with them were clear and concise with just enough personality to make things unique to us.

Dinner time. Interestingly enough, being the second and last meeting with the four of us at the Bradley House, we go to Hoss's for dinner. I didn't realize it until we got there, this is the same place we ate when we had our first meeting with them. In route to dinner, Angel & I were discussing taking her parents out to dinner. Well, with the way the rest of the week was planned, it appeared (and as it did turn out, was) our only opportunity to do so, so we seized it. As usual, dinner was good. After the ride home, that about wraps up this day.

Well, Tuesday starts the same as Monday, take the rents to work. From there, it is off to my dad's house. Since I had a good picture of what I wanted to do with the rest of the layout, I estimated that we should be done by lunch or so. I couldn't have been more wrong. By the time that 4:00 rolled around, Angel had to leave without me to get her rents. While I was working on the program, she was putting the finishing touches on the favors and place cards. This included putting the stickers over the meal choice letters, folding them, putting them in alphabetical order and putting the cards in the bells. As for me, there were just so many things not going right on this day. The layout was easy, it came down to the final touches that kicked my ass. I wanted a specific border around the pages, this required two attempts because I closed Photoshop without saving changes by accident. Then once I got the border straight, I wanted some filler artwork, scroll work or some such. However, trying to obtain these things is easier said then done. Then, once all of the components are compiled, print time. I screwed up my margins. Now, I had to rearrange everything because the 1/2 inch top margin wasn't present. Then the left margin wouldn't print. How much more could go wrong. Thankfully, not too much this day. By the time that Angel got back to my dad's, everything was locked down in a fashion that I could live with & was saved to my thumbdrive. I was ready to leave as soon as Angel got to the house. Angel glanced over the program, pointed out a typo. That was corrected and off to Kinkos we went.

So, initial thought was to have all of the paper the same weight, card stock. However, card stock does not fold nicely so a score line would be required to encourage it to fold. Well, Kinkos could not score the paper overnight. Well, waiting until Thursday to receive the programs was not an option. Therefore, we changed from all card stock to cover & rear card stock, regular paper stock in between. This did not remove the need for the score, just much less of it. That didn't change their minds either, but I was going to do the score myself with my dad's letter press. A machine I'd seen used many times but have yet to operate. Such an imposing device this is. Anyway, we get our proofs from Kinkos, sign off and off to Mom's for dinner.

We have a nice dinner with my Mom. In addition to dinner, I clean her computer & get a hair cut. By the time we leave here, we're much ready for bed again.

Wednesday begins the same as the rest. Off to take Dad to work early. Mom had the rest of the week off as of today. Since Dad works in Coraopolis and this was the last time we were going to need to take him to work, it was as good of a time then any to stop at the Armory. Finally got to introduce the guys to Angel & vice versa. I still have a tough time calling Mr. Hines sir. For pity's sake, we were both specialists at the same time at one time. We have a chat about OCS and WOCS, his family, our plans for the wedding. The standard fare of catch up talk. While we were there, also ran into SMG Haught and Mr. Flint, which which we had a quick chat with each of them. It was nice to see those guys again. It had been quite a while.

From the Armory (which Angel had to push me out of), we headed to my dad's house. It was just about time to pick up our printed programs. Sat & chatted with Dad for a bit to kill some time, but most of the time was spent in getting the score line setup and getting practice with the letter press (look at that machine, <-). It was quite the feat to get behind this machine. I had many a time watch my parents use this machine for their printing business and always get so stressed out about it. However, when they were doing it, they would be running it at a much higher speed then what I was doing and they were doing numbering. These number machines would work on the impact of the press and increment each time. If you were to miss feed or miss putting the paper in, you have to stop and reset the numbers. It is a pain to do, especially on a deadline. Thankfully, I was neither numbering or on a hard and fast deadline. I had the luxury to take my time. So, once I get the machine setup, ready to press some paper, & have some practice under my belt, it still isn't time to get the job from Kinkos. Kill some time behind the tube. Anxiety starts to get the best of me. We leave 15 minutes early to pick up the job. The reaction of the lady behind the counter was priceless. When we left the night before, one of the completed models was left with them for reference. This included the ribbon and hole punch. She opened the box and saw this and everything else was not punched and not tied, she about panicked. She asked me to review the contents and was relieved to know that it was what I was expecting. Also, please note, that a similar program of smaller size purchased online would have cost a minimum of double what we paid for ours. It is worth the manual labor if you can design your own work and just pay for the printing. We get the job back to the house and get to business. First thing discovered is that they collated all of the pages (not to mention, we paid for that). This meant that we uncollated the job so we could score only the cover. Once that was completed, the alignment that I had set earlier was too high and the entire page was not being scored. Back to junk paper and manual operation of the press to get the line straight and in the right place. It sounds like a simple task, but doing it is a completely different story. Once the alignments are completed, time to do the real work. Turn on the machine. Well, we encountered two problems along the way. The first one was that the paper was sticking to the press and wouldn't set right before having to pull my hand away. Baby powder solved this issue. However, once that one was resolved, I started having issues getting the unscored sheets from the stack. Some tacky stuff that paper-pushers and bank tellers use to separate paper did the job for that issue. Now I'm rolling along and Angel is watching (I think in amazement at this violent and dangerous piece of machinery and me working in harmony). At one point I feed a single sheet twice. I guess she didn't see my mistake. I put a score 1/4 inch from where it belonged. Should I have not run it again, the only score on the page would have been thru the punched holes. Not too long after this all begins to flow nicely, I'm done. Ok, time to re-collate the programs with their covers. This became a three man task. Angel collating, me punching, Cammy putting separator pages between the punched programs for another transportation for the finishing touches. Well, for how simple this sounded, we even had an issue with this. One of the cutters in the hole punch was getting hung up on the lid/leaver. We swapped the cutters around and same result. Oil fixes this problem. Lubricate the system and it doesn't take my full body weight to get it to punch. We get the box filled and it is time to move on again. Once back to Angel's parents house it is time to finish the works. Mom is here cutting ribbon with Angel & I tying bows on the programs. I was a good system until about 3:30 when I left. I was taking their van to get an oil change. The light had been on all week. Since we were running everywhere and anywhere with it, we felt it would be nice to get it done for them. It was something little we wanted to do. Well, this was a quicker proposition then I had anticipated. Driving from Scott to Robinson Town Center to Coraopolis, I was there by 4:20. I thought Dad was done with work at 4:30, which is why I left so early, just to learn while I'm sitting there, he works till 5. Oh well, at least I wasn't late. Once I get Dad home, I learn that Mom & Angel finished the programs and the rest of our plans for the night were a go. That night we hung out with Brandon. This was the first time that I had an opportunity to meet him. Nice friend. Well met. We went to a Cambodian restaurant on the South Side that neither of us had ever been to. We didn't know what to expect, but it was certainly good stuff. I could see us going there again if we were still there. From dinner, we returned to his place and played catchup/get to know you. Thursday was an interesting day. We picked up our license since it was ready and from there went to see a Pirate game. It wasn't the greatest day for a game, but we tried to fair it anyway. We got to the field and it was sprinkling already. Well, the game made it to the bottom of the 7th before they had to take a rain delay. At this point it was 3:30 and we called it a game. The Pirates were so far behind, 2 more at bats wasn't going to get them any closer to winning. While we were there, we hit the Primanties, a must on our trip. We were going to get one of their sandwiches one way or another while we were out on this day. So, we got one while we were at the field. Also, Mom was obsessed with getting a picture op with the parrot. So, once she got his attention, she dragged us over so she could have her picture. Well, the parrot did for us what we would have loved to do. He silly stringed her (almost with a full can). It was a site to see. I wish we would have gotten a shot of that. After the game, back to her parent's house. Time to go our own ways for the rest of the night. As you can see, we were both on vacation for a week, but it was no vacation. Our days were jam packed from the time we landed until the time we took off.

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rehearsal - The Day Of

Today is the last day that we'll spend as an unwed couple. So what do we do? Spend most of it apart. Odd. Anyway, the day is already planned for me, get my tux (read on for details on that one), visit work, meet back up with Angel to take a trip to the cemetery and then back on the wedding wagon we go.

Today, as with the rest of this past week, I'm without a vehicle of my own. Thankfully, Josh has the day off also and I'll be hanging with him for my errands. So, lets back track for a moment here and discuss the previous nights highlight event. Thursday before the wedding, time to get the tux.

My intention was to get all of the guys together in the party to do the fitting thing and then chill. Well, since my planning skills are less than stellar, this didn't work out as I had wanted. Life goes on. Earl & ride down to have our final fitting and there is a large line. Josh and Dan are going to be arriving shortly. My dad, Camren, Ray, and Beagle already did theirs throughout the day (good thinking on their behalf).

Anyway, Dad & I wait in line for some time. We get to the front & the guy starts looking for my ticket. Guess what? My tux is in Georgia, not 20 minutes down the road from my house. Well, that isn't going to do me much good since I'm in Pittsburgh. They promise me that they will have it the next day. So, I hang around until the rest of the guys finish up (dad was the first to leave) so we can head over to the North Park Clubhouse (yes, the one in Robinson Town Centre). The only thing I keep thinking is that I can't call Angel to let her know about this. She doesn't need the stress (and I am thinking that she is having a makeshift bachelorette party, later to discover, it was just dinner & chilling much like I was doing). Regardless of what she was doing, she didn't need to know about my issues yet.

At the Clubhouse, we had a crew. Tom, Jenny, Josh, Lisa, Dan, Jeff, April (and Evie) & myself crammed around a six person table. It worked out just fine though. It was a good time, we kicked back, had a few drinks, played some games, called it a night. It was good to see April & Jeff again and to meet their newest edition (or addition, whichever). Tom gave me a ride home & then I got to break the news to Angel. Of course, as you would expect, she was like, WHAT?!?!? How could this happen. I explained to her that even though when I had my initial fitting we called the Robinson store to confirm their store number and I was assured that my tux would be in Pittsburgh that it didn't work out that way. I would get it the next day.

Back to Friday now. Josh picks me up after we did some last minute errands which included running to the reception hall to drop of our required contribution to the decorations and food and then a final visit with the florist. Needless to say, mom & dad were more then happy for me to be gone at the point we got back. Angel & I had been acting like a couple of kids and they made us know about it. They even threatened to separate us if we didn't start acting our ages. (of course I started hearing the line "What's my age again?".

Well, once Josh picks me up, we get the tux. Thankfully there wasn't anything wrong with it (except I had to exchange the shirt for one with longer sleeves) that would have required me to return again the next day. That would have been bad. From the tux, we head to Station Square to give a holler at some of my coworkers.

Of course, this is never a quick event. I really only had an hour to do this before Angel would get upset with me because of the visit to the cemetery. Well, you don't want to hear about the office jabber and miscellany that happened at the office so I'll spare you that. However, we were there for just about 2 hours when I get the call from Angel, "Where are you?". At this point I know I'm in trouble. Thankfully it worked out because we just met her at the cemetery to save time. She got a bit upset with me about it, but once she got to there, the anger subsided and all was good.

We didn't spend much time there, however, it was just enough. The trip back to the house was fraught with traffic and slowdowns. We get back to the house in just enough time for Tracey to leave and do what she needed before arriving just on-time at the church. There was quite a reception at the church by the time we got there. Ooops, did you need us to start this thing? Oh, well, I guess that was partially my fault. Especially between the over run visit to the office and then needing to wrap gifts before the reception. We didn't leave the house until 5 to 6 and we were supposed to be there at 6. We were only a couple of moments late. Angel's parents don't live far from the church.

The rest of the events from this point on this day can be found here.

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VBScript - Forgotten Realms

There are times as a programmer that you just have to throw up your hands and say WTF!?! Well, today I had one of those situations. I was working in batch scripting and VBScript. Well, my batch scripting has become quite more advanced then it once had been thanks to a previous project (iCom) and its over night processing routines. Anyway, since I've been involved in nothing but integration projects for the past year or so, my development requirements has been few and far between.

Today, I needed to write a script that would sort the contents of a file. Simple task, yet, not something I'm going to attempt with the batch language. It is just too cumbersome. Therefore, in comes some VBScript. It has been a long time since I've worked with VB. Well over a year and a half, as that is when I graduated. So, to accomplish this, I need an array, a sort routine, and a way to read the file into the array. No big deal. This should be a five minute job. Sure, if you've worked in a VB IDE in the recent past.

Since I have not touched VB in such a time, I completely forgot about the caveats around the REDIM statement. I was troubleshooting this script for well over a half an hour because the array would grow but the contents would disappear. I'm troubleshooting the array population (while it is populating); I was troubleshooting the sort routine; I troubleshot everything so I thought. Anyway, as it turns out, between my population routine and the sort, my information was limited to a single record in my 148 element array. I was confounded. The problem existed in the population routine alright. The question was where. Finally, my very first lesson (which I've evidently long since forgot, its been well over 8 years) with working with arrays. If you don't put the key word Preserve. I could not believe that this little word came back to haunt me.

In VB, if you resize an array, and forget the Preserve, it will blank out everything that was previously in the array. Other languages (PHP in particular) doesn't work this way. By way of comparison, I've done infinitely more development in PHP then that of VB in the recent past. Therefore, little details like this one are easy to overlook when developing with Notepad. I hate the .Net IDE and for that reason refuse to use an IDE for scripting purposes. If I wanted to write & compile a program in VB, sure, I'd be there, but not for scripts. However, in this case, I couldn't remember the keyword and didn't have the intelisense present to help me out. I finally figured it out with the assistance of Google. A quick search for "VB Script + REDIM" got me my answer. Once I got the answer, the script worked like a charm.

I hate forgetting stuff that was at one time ingrained in my mind. Well, such is life.

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Rehearsal and Subsequent Dinner

So, we've made it this far, less than 12 hours to being wed. Amazingly, everyone important to the ceremony is present. The only person missing is my mom. Where did she go? She knows where we're supposed to be? Oh well, she'll show up eventually. We push on. We don't have the church for long and we need to get thru this. We only had an hour to begin with and then the organist informs us that he has to leave early. What ever, do we really care? He already has his instructions. They are not difficult. But he decides that he is going to try to play an integral part of the ceremony. He should have but out.

So, as if any of us know what the hell we're doing, we've got 3 different sets of people telling us how our wedding is going to work. I'm sorry, there is only one set of people that have the answer to most of the questions. Angel & I. Well, the ladies that volunteer for the church had their opinion and the organist had his own (and very poor at handling himself for that matter), and us. I was completely across the church from where Angel spent most of her time. It isn't our fault that if either one of us moved the whole production would stop.

Anyway, the first decision to make was what order. I'll be damned if I can't remember what order we decided on. We had this set up, but also managed to forget it too. Ok, grab a program. Shit, I messed up the order in there too. Ok, get everyone in one place at the same time. Ray - Dana, Josh - Chris, Dan - Kris, Jason - Tracey. Good, got that figured out. Everyone to your places. Jason & I to the ready room. Mom's come down the aisle, Ray & Dana are in the aisle and someone else coming down the side wall... WTF?!?! So, he we have the three parties beginning to butt heads. "Guys down the side" says one and the other saying "together" and the other party screaming faster. It was a pretty bad site.

Angel & I put our feet down and say that the groomsmen will be with the bridesmaids, no more questions about it. Oh, next question was valid. What about Tracey? She's by herself because Jason stays with me. Ok, start over, try again. Mother's down the aisle, Ray & Dana begin and a bellowing SLOW DOWN comes out louder than the organ. Damn, where am I, boot camp? I haven't heard someone bark orders like that since I was there. No, I'm pretty sure I'm not there. Anyway, so we make a successful trip down the aisle with the adults.

Next comes the kids. Every time Camren has been asked about the wedding he has said no, I won't do it. Well, we wanted to put the actual rings on the pillow. That didn't work out. We didn't have the confidence that he would cooperate during the ceremony. So, he gets fake rings. Well, once he made it to the front, he had a seat in the front pew. He was encouraged to scoot all the way down, but on the pew he remained. Ok, big deal. If he doesn't stand and that's the only thing that we don't right, I can deal with that. Let the kid sit. Conversely, I don't think we had a single issue with Ashley. She didn't say much either. Overall, both kids were well behaved.

Finally, we're to the part that everyone is looking forward to: the bride. Well, rehearsal, it wasn't very exciting, but very odd to see her coming down the aisle with dad. Odd different, not odd bad. Our participation in the ceremony was terse. Stand here, you'll do that, you'll do this, you'll say blah, blah, blah (literally) and then I'll (from the perspective of the Reverend) say this and that and that will be it. Blah, blah, blah, kiss, walk. Hey, that was easy. Organist got to play the last song and promptly left. Well, your being late is not my problem. We had you booked well in advance for this whole rehearsal thing. If you have to leave and you're late to your destination, I DON'T CARE. Enough of him, he caused enough problems.

Well, we run thru the process once more and the ladies are pushing out out the door. There was at least 15 more minutes we could have been in there. Don't know what we would have been doing, but our time wasn't up yet. However, they were sure to let us know that we needed a Unity Candle and Taper Holder set. Oh, it would have been nice had we been told that a LONG time ago. Why are we just finding this out now? I don't have a clue. Well, add that to my to-do list. No time to do that tonight and the girls won't have time to do it tomorrow. I hope I have time & am successful at finding something.

So, now it is time to make our trip to the reception hall. Now I have to step back a couple months. Since before I moved, I was aware of only one Rockerfellers restaurant. After I moved, the opened a second location, and some time after that, close/rename the original one. Well, when I was putting out the information for the Rehearsal Dinner, the question was always which one. Since I was most used to Roslyn Farms, that was my answer. Well, thankfully by the time the event needed to occur, everyone was straightened out as to which one & what time. We're going to Kennedy.

I'm not sure what to think of the events for the dinner. There was a bunch of milling around, reacquaint with this relative and that relative. It was very nice to see everyone and in hindsite, it was wonderful to see everyone because I don't think I talked to a single one of them at the reception. Not on purpose, just happened that way.

So, right before dinner, we're asked to give a toast (for some reason, my mom expected Jason to do it, this one was my job, but I was under prepared, but what's new about that). I made a joke about what I wanted to say, "Yeah us, lets eat." Well, I made a slight modification to that to not make it so pretentious. I think I remembered thanking everyone for traveling, if I didn't, I wanted to. Anyway, it was short, to the point and I don't think anyone yelled at me for it.

We, once again, did the mill around thing after dinner (grabbed some smokes) and it was back to work. Presents time. I pushed Angel into handing hers out first. Why, I don't know. I guess I wasn't ready for that part either. Anyway, I fudged my way through the presentations and was quite happy at the reactions from the guys. It wasn't until much later did I realize what I did screw up. Niether a gift for my mom or my dad and Steffy. WTF was I thinking. I should have covered that hole. Angel should have smacked me for that one. But, hindsite is 20/20. Thankfully, neither one of my parents have told me that it was a problem. I hope they both realize how much their help was appreciated. Angel & I couldn't not have fronted what they contributed to the events.

Of course, me being me, I had to do something very different for Angel. Those of you that were surprised at this, raise your hands so I can call you a liar. Angel knew I was looking for an engraving machine while we were still in Atlanta. I wasn't able to find one, but Dana hooked me up. I had to make two of them. I had used Camren as a cover story so she wouldn't get suspicious. I think it worked. So, I created this engraved tag for Camren for his zipper of his new backpack. What I created for Angel was no my intention, but it worked out just as well. I wanted to have created real dog tags with her new last name. I could have gotten it done, if I would have thought of it sooner, so instead she got a dog collar tag from a pet store (in the shape of a heart) with her new name, date & an I love you from me. It went over really well with the family; my friends, not so much. They saw it for what it was, not what it meant. Anyway, enough about that. In addition to the tag, I also purchased another gift for her. One that was a bit more serious. In my gift searching, I found a very unique site. This site was linked from another wedding gift giving site. I decided to check it out. The site creates posters out of books and plays. The first one that gets my attention is Romeo & Juliet. I also considered A Midsummer Night's Dream, however, this wasn't a mid-summer wedding, nor at night. I'm not as familiar with this play as I would like to have been. Therefore, I certainly opted for Romeo & Juliet. It turns out I made a good selection. It is her favorite Shakespeare. I didn't know that, but I did like the symbolic nature of the relationship. I guess I did good. However, the one thing that I didn't realize was how large this was going to be. I should have checked here. I saw the gift sitting there, but I didn't realize that it was that one (mom wrapped it for me because I had it shipped to her house). All in all, I think I did well.

Then we were going to open our gifts from the other family members that brought them this evening. Well, we were bombarded by Dana first. She was 100% insistent that we open it right then and now. Of course, we oblige. What we discovered inside was nothing short of amazing. She decided on her own, that she would share with us a portion of her windfall (if you want details, please ask her). It was emotional. I'm not sure if Angel did, but Dana and I were both crying. Of course the guys saw this and didn't understand what had taken place. It was part shock, part amazement, part gratitude, and then the revelation of the source of this money was and then I was upset. Regardless of what I or we tried to say, she was not taking any of it back. Her only comment was go, have fun (and don't spend it all in one place). It was just so selfless of her to have done so. We can't possibly thank her enough for it.

The only thing that I remember that was a bit rocky on the night was when the bus from the hotel got lost heading to the hall. Kathy called Sue & she handed the phone to me. They got off at Crafton and forgot to turn at Kings. They were down past the Pittsburgh Motel & everything when I got the phone. It was funny, it was minor, and it all worked out.

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Wedding Day

Ok, so this day picks up where last night left off. We were at the bar for some considerable time after midnight. For the traditionalists out there, I guess it was technically the wedding day and I shouldn't be seeing my bride, but she wasn't in her dress yet, so I don't think it counts.

Anyway, we made our rounds to everyone in the band to say hey & great show & later. We make our exit and we go our own ways. Well, this is when the night starts to get weird. Since we were still dressed for the rehearsal dinner, of course I was in my patten leather dress shoes that were part of my Class A uniform. Well, they are not exactly new, I bought them in 1997 at Ft. Gordon, GA during AIT. I guess I either had too much fun or I discovered the end of their lives in a very odd way. As we were walking out the door, I start walking with a limp. The heal of my left foot broke away and there was only a little stub left that I was walking on. Well, needless to say, by the time we got to the car, my left foot had resorted to just the balls of the toes as the sole was just falling apart on each step I was taking. By the time we made it to Ray's house to call it a night they were still not done yet as I found some more of my shoe in his car. So, we get upstairs and I take them off and evaluate the damage. Both shoes' soles were broken. There were three separate cracks from left to right in the area of the ball of my foot and the heals of both shoes were disconnecting from the shoe. At this point, I thought I was having a bad night.

Well, that opinion changed shortly there after. Ray & I were just bullshitting around, hit the topic of the Wii and decided to try playing. Well, this didn't last long because my phone began to ring. It was Angel. They were locked out of her parent's house, they were sleeping like rocks (not responding to the door or door bell), and I had the key to the house. Ray & I drove over there and let them in the house. This was about 2:45 if I recall correctly.

What an interesting day this has already turned out to be. So, we call it a night.

The next morning was quite a surprise. Ray was able to wake me up with out any physical contact or ice. Well, this much is going well already. Ray ran to McDonalds while I jumped into the shower. By the time we scarf down some breakfast, people are showing up. The additional participants for this morning's activities include Jason Beighel (Best Man), Dan Lebak (cousin), Josh Davidson, & Camren (nephew). Beagle showed up 1/2 dressed in his tux already (and the only one to have done so). By 11:00 everyone has arrived. However, in putzing around waiting for some time to pass (waiting for ~ 11:45), we kill too much time and suddenly it is after 12. However, it was fun watching Cammy play video games (and share them with the rest of us). So, this isn't good, starting to get behind already.

Ray and I leave to pick up the in-laws' van (everyone is not fitting in Ray's car). On our way there we figure that the 2 of us would be in and out of JoAnn Fabrics quicker then all of us together. Well, our mission there is to obtain candle holders for the Unity Candle set. Well, what we were looking for and what we got were two different things completely. We were looking for a set of simple taper candle holders and a glass or something dish like thing to hold the large one. What we found instead was a set of stainless steel (I think), ornate, and tall holders designed for this very purpose. It was nice and it wasn't gold, so it was a good match to our wedding. However, the cost was outrageous. If I recall, it was close to $40. Well, the lady at the register hooked us up. We didn't ask or coax her to do what she did. She gave us a 40% off coupon to use on it and told us to be quiet. No problem there. She could have gotten in trouble if it were to have been publicized too much at that time. While we were talking with her, she asked when the wedding was and wouldn't believe that it was to be on this day. She asked if I was crazy. Well, if you have read the rehearsal post, you already know why I was doing this on the wedding day. We didn't know we needed one and only found out at the rehearsal.

From this point, things get interesting. We get to the Denner house and pick up the van. Pickup the guys from Ray's house. Return to the Denner house and are about to leave when Dad asks if we needed the van or not. Well, as it is then discovered, Aunt Mary Grace needs a ride back to the hotel. Thankfully this worked out because I didn't have any time to spare. It was already close to 1:30 and it was going to be approximately a 1/2 hour trip each way. I need to be at the church by 3, at this time we know we're cutting it close. We took the van and all of the required vehicles to the reception hall and return to Ray's. We hit traffic in both directions and it takes more than an hour to make this trip. We get to Ray's at about 2:45. That leaves us only 10 minutes to get ready & get to the church.

The preparation for Beagle was quick, but the rest of us were in shorts & t-shirts still. And that isn't including the time that was going to be required to get the littlest one dressed too. However, Camren worked hard to try to be helpful getting himself dressed. He was so cute too. He saw everyone else just dropping trowel and didn't skip a beat. Off his clothes came too. It is interesting when you get 5 guys and a kid in a room all getting changed at once. Remember that 10 minute time frame that we had, well, that didn't work out.

We didn't get to the church until ~ 3:10. We got there only minutes before the limo with the bride arrived. Thankfully the photographer was great & he did some walking around and taking photos of opportunity. I know this because he snapped some of Jason & I talking by the ready room & some of my dad & I when I was helping him with his button cover. And those are only the ones that I know about. We haven't seen our proofs yet to know what all he took.

So, now everyone is here. Guests are arriving. Isn't it now that you're supposed to be scared/cold feet/second guessing everything? Well, not me. Cool, calm, collected. However, I did have one emotional spurt while I was waiting. It was around the time that I was having my photo taken with my dad. I noticed my cousins Leann and Willie and their families. It was at that point that I had the odd feelings. I say odd, because I don't know how to classify them. I wasn't worried about becoming married, I wasn't worried that I had made a wrong selection, I was thinking, all of this hubbub was about me (on my families side anyway). It isn't very often that my family gets together. I don't see my cousins very often. But, all of a sudden, the realization that we're going to be the absolute center of attention was intimidating. That feeling didn't last long, but I thought it was an odd feeling to have.

Before we get to the actual ceremony, I'd like to break away for a moment to talk about Camren. As most people know, dealing with a 4 year old is usually less than ideal when you are under the stress of a deadline. However, I've got to say, Camren was on his best behavior thru this entire process. He didn't complain once, he was kind & courteous to everyone else that was there, he didn't try to become the center of attention, and always did what he was asked. For that matter, he never spoke back at anyone either. I was amazed. I didn't know what I was getting myself into with having him all day, as Dana was involved in the doings of Angel's side of the party. But I am glad that it worked as it did.

So, hence came the ceremony. Finally saw my mom's walking up to the Unity Candle to light the tapers. That was our cue. So, we emerge from the room just in time to see Ray and Dana already 1/2 way down the isle. Mind you, it is a short isle. The church is a historical landmark and only seats around 150 people. The procession was beautiful and of course, since Camren sat down at the rehearsal, of course he so did again. However, Ray got him straight. At this point, Angel & her dad are starting their walk. I can't possibly explain the excitement that ran over me at that point. She was so beautiful, I don't even have words for it. There was one thing that did surprise me though. Dad is a pretty stern guy until you get to know him. I had thought that this would be once when some emotion would fly. Well, I was wrong. He was softer at that time, but not a hesitation, not a crack in his voice. Everything was just as it was during the rehearsal. However, this is the time when the normalcy of our ceremony ends.

Rev. Pat Malone was officiating our ceremony. His church is pretty non-standard in the Catholic world, which in reality, fit us just fine. And he stared of with class. He dropped the names of Snoop Dog, Madona, and some other Hollywood type's name. Really set the tone of the ceremony when names in pop culture are being used during an introduction. He was saying that religion is not defined by the jewelry that we wear. So, anyway, he then officially begins the event (after the message of intent) with instructions to Angel. She is to submit. However, he does this in such a way as to buffer the blow before it came. He said that most brides over react to what he was about to say and asked her to wait until the explanation was complete. Anyway, he also had instructions for me. He said that I was to give her everything that I am. That sounded pretty simple, I have been doing that already. However, he then quantified that saying that everything included the times that weren't so easy. His example was to attend a flowery event with her instead of a Steelers game. Well, mentally, I said, that wouldn't happen. Angel's not a girly type of girl. Well, not that girly. Then it occurred to me, take it for what he meant, not what he said. Damn! However, I still don't see that as much of an issue, we communicate well and have become very good at compromising when we have to. So, cool, this won't be much of an issue.

So, Rev. Malone, continues on to inform the guests that they have a role and responsibilities in the success of our marriage. At this point, I understood what he was saying and couldn't help but to think of what should we be doing for Cindy. Granted, I wasn't in attendance, but I'm now part of the family. Or, which family member needs to teach Earl a lesson and get it thru his head that he's fucking up? Thankfully, that train of thought didn't last long and I got back on track with the ceremony. So, the guests have instructed to intervene when required to assist us when we're not working as well as we should.

Following the instructions to the parties, he reads a scripture. It was interesting because it was about widows of brothers, their refusal to remarry, and their commitment to one another and the brother's mother. It was different. I don't recall ever hearing that one before. I would tell you what book & verse it came from if I knew, but I don't recall.

At this point I glanced at the cheat sheet in the bible for the ceremony and we're well over 1/2 way thru. We do the Unity Candle lighting, say our vows (we used the canned ones), and we are announced for the first time as husband and wife.

It wasn't until we were down the isle that I was able to notice that we had a standing only crowd. Amazing, of the 180+ RSVPs we got, about 85% of them also attended the ceremony. That really meant a lot to us. Now is when the planning broke down a bit. During the rehearsal, we didn't discuss what would happen once we were outside the church. The wedding party scattered and even Angel & I ended up being separated. We didn't have a formal receiving line, but one happened anyway. I was even yelled at for the first time by my wife for not being on the same side of the sidewalk as her. It was cute.

One of the most memorable events while we were outside, my cousin Leann came out of the church balling her eyes out, not too quietly either, got the crying shake going on and everything. I wasn't sure how to take that. She later told me that she's a wedding crier and not to worry. The look on Kirk's face was priceless as it clearly said, "Dude, don't ask me, I don't know."

At some point the line fades away and we take the opportunity to share a smoke. Everyone found it to be so humorous and cute. I'm not exactly sure why, but they did. We're both smokers and we knew we didn't have time to each have one. Was rational to us. So, we took our pictures in and out of the church. We had a toast before heading to the Jefferson Memorial for more pictures and then stuffed into the limo. During the ride, the flower girl crashed out; Camren was in the corner with our bartenders and Tracey managed to spill her drink on herself. Once at the memorial, we took another group picture & had some additional shots of us alone. By the time we left the memorial, we were already late for our late appearance. When we were cramming back into the limo, I managed to spill Dana's drink all down her front. Oops. We got to the reception at about 6:45 and were not announced until ~7. We were anticipating being announced at 6:30. Oh, well, the way things were going (fun), we really didn't care.

Everyone told us before our big day not to have any misconceptions about what was going to happen at the reception. Well, we didn't think he had expected too much, but in hindsight, we certainly did. The time flew by so quickly that we didn't have an opportunity to visit many of the tables, we felt that every 5 minutes we were being pulled back onto the dance floor, and all we could hope was that everyone in attendance had fun. Thankfully, from the reports that we've received, most everyone had fun.

I have to make note of one event that took place during the reception. The cake cutting. We stole a page out of my cousin's book and instead of smashing the cake into each other we hit each other's #1 support (Best man = Angel, Matron of Honor = me). Dan, thanks for the idea.

Late in the night, it was brought to my attention that I had overlooked one major component of required actions. Thanks to Justin for bringing it to my attention. When I organized the Mother/Son dance, I neglected to include a 2nd track or time to get Steffy on the floor. Therefore, the last dance of the night was danced with her. It wasn't a big deal, we had had plenty with each other by that point. She was worried that Angel might get upset. That she was not.

The only thing I have to say is, a 5 hour reception is not long enough.

For a different perspective on the whole ceremony and reception, check out Jason's blog.

At this point, I think I've written enough. I'm going to close with this. If you are reading this and said, yeah, you didn't talk to me at the reception. We're sorry, we didn't do it intentionally. We'll have to catch up again some other time. Come down to visit or hit us up next time we're in town.

Also, if you are saying where is my thank you card, it is on our to-do list. We didn't forget about them.

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We had a wonderful time on our honeymoon. For those that are wondering, "where did you go?", we went to the Sandpiper Village in St. Lucie, Florida, one of 80 Club Med locations around the world. We could not have asked for a better place to spend our first vacation together. This location is designed around sports activities and fun for the entire family. For more details about the location, check out this link:

Club Med, Sandpiper

While we were there, we purchased a camera and have returned with a nice array of photos for posterity. Here are a couple of slideshows from our trip.

Unfortunately, the pictures don't say too much about the time we had, as they are just still life, so let me take a moment (or likely longer) to elaborate on the fun that we had in a G rated fashion. We'll keep the XXX rated parts of the trip to ourselves (relax Beagle & Ray).

The fun started on Sunday morning. We arrived to the resort much before check-in, but it wasn't a problem. They were wonderful in accommodating us early. We had lunch & wondered around the resort a bit. They were kind enough to give us a private guided tour later. After dinner we found ourselves getting some drinks and having a grand time.

Let me stray for a moment and tell you about the spreads that they put out for every meal. It was incredible. Every meal had finger foods, an array of breads, hot & cold food selections, decadent desserts and it all was nothing short of gourmet. I had a hard time getting myself to stop eating before I felt like I was going to burst. Everything was laid out in a buffet of all you can eat. I can't stress to you enough how good the food was at this place.

Ok, enough about the food for now. On Monday, we felt the compulsion to visit a bank. I can't begin wonder why. Everyone was so gracious in their gift giving. We cried in amazement and frustration a couple times because of the amounts that some friends & family were giving to us. So, we had to find a place to deposit the gifts. On our ride in to the village from the airport, Angel noticed a bank branch that wasn't too far, so we decided to take a walk to it. Well, as you all know, a couple of minutes in a vehicle is in stark contrast to the time required on foot. This "short" distance was actually more like 4 or 5 miles down the road. Also, while we were out, Angel wanted to get a haircut and I wanted to buy a camera. Just so happened that across the street from the bank was a mall. We wandered about a bit, and then got to business. Angel got her hair cut, I found & bought a camera and returned to the village. After it was all said & done, we had spent 6 hours away from the village and 3 of it was spent getting there and back. Needless to say, we enjoyed our dinner and had a few stiff drinks to round out the night.

Oh, about the alcohol. It was all included in the cost of the stay. That being said, you would expect that a good amount would be dropped on tipping. Well, you would be wrong. Tipping was greatly discouraged and not expected. Well, it was a good thing too, we started drinking most days between 10:30 and 11:30 and usually didn't stop (aside from the time required for participating in activities) until 11 or 12 at night. Thankfully, neither one of us were drinking so quickly or heavily that we were smashed in the middle of the afternoon. I think I only felt tipsy twice the entire week. I'm not sure that Angel let herself get to that point even once. It was a good time.

So, on Tuesday, we went sailing. Yes, in a small 4 seater catamaran style boat that didn't have a motor and completely relied on wind power to move on the water. It was a good time. Angel enjoyed it, especially as it was her first time sailing. I had to coax her to steer the boat, but she eventually did & did well (thankfully we didn't have any more wind, else, we may have flipped when she turned without warning me). Also, while we were on the water, we encountered a fish that jumped. It was a cool site. That afternoon, we also hit the archery range. They had a nice array of bows & target distances. I was amazed at how well Angel did at the range (aside from the bruise she walked away with on her bow forearm).

Wednesday we took things easy. We wanted to go water skiing but the boats were down for preventative maintenance as they are on every Wednesday. So, we decided to hit the boccie court. We didn't know it at the time, but we were playing by the wrong rules. Oh well, we had fun doing it anyway. Later that night, we caught a show of the GO's (Gracious Organizers or Employees) performing on the Trapeze. Watching them do it was a wonderful way to encourage others to come by to try it. They made it look so easy & graceful. As we would later find out, neither comes quickly. Here is a complied video of what they were doing:

On Thursday neither of us woke up with the motivation to go water skiing as we had planned. We spent most of the morning in bed watching TV. However, Thursday afternoon, we did venture down to the Trapeze to have a swing or two. As most of you know, Angel has a huge fear of heights. The fact that she even did this was amazing and then I got her to try it twice. Check out the video. For some reason, I wasn't able to attach that video too. If you would like to watch, hit the link.

So after we flew for a little bit, we were just waiting for dinner time to come around. While we were chilling at the bar killing time, some classic cars were rolled in. Pictures of these cars can be found in the picture album designated Specials. After checking out the cars, it was time to have dinner. On this night, there was a special plated dinner prepared that was accompanied by entertainment. The entertainment for the night was the Trapeze crew performing solo acts and the dinner consisted of 6 gourmet courses. I'm glad each course was small, I was worried that I wouldn't make it all the way thru. However, neither one of us had dessert. Also, the finally of the entertainment got rained out. The major part of the show we did catch follows here:

Friday we wanted to go water skiing, unfortunately, the Florida Health Department had something else to say about this. Apparently there were high levels of some bacterial fecal matter that is monitored in the river. This was as result of the heavy rains earlier in the week that ran off into the river. Therefore, Club Med closed all of their water activities until the Health Dept gives them the OK to reopen. Unfortunately, this didn't happen while we were there. We missed our opportunity to ski. So, instead we went swimming in the main pool. While we were in the pool, we assisted in removing a nice sized blue crab from the pool. It had to have been around the size of my fist or larger (not counting the legs). After the pool, we spent more time at the bar and revisited the Trapeze. I was told that I might get caught if I was able to get my timing down better. Unfortunately this didn't happen, though I did improve.

Saturday was our last full day in the resort, so we had some catch up to do. I coaxed Angel into agreeing to play the 9 Hole Par 3 golf course. I reminded her that it was included and she couldn't do anymore damage to the place than the little kids would. Amazingly she enjoyed herself for how adamant she was about not doing it previously. She also did quite well. There were at least a couple of holes that she did better than I did and I had done this a time or two before. :) After golfing, I had to try out the skate park. This is another video moment that I will have to share. I completely messed up a spine transfer. I didn't get hurt, but I did get yelled at because my helmet came off. Once the helmet was put on properly we didn't get any additional photographic or video evidence of my antics. It was a good time, but 15 minutes was more than enough for me.

The one thing that I didn't mention was the daily rain that came thru. You could almost set a clock to it. However, a couple of days we got more than just one sprinkling. But the rain never lasted too long. May be 10 minutes at the longest and that might be exaggerating. It would be gone just as quick as it showed up. When people would discover that we were on our honeymoon they would mention that they hope the rain stays away. We just shrugged... all the more reason to head back to the room.. :) (Beagle & Ray.. had to get one in there somewhere).

So, there are the highlights of our trip. Obviously there are somethings that I'm leaving out, not intentionally, but I think I've written enough. The other details are minor anyway. The important thing to know is that we had fun & couldn't have had a better time. We didn't have one of those disastrous honeymoons that you hate to hear about, I don't think we fought a single time. It was a beautiful location for a beautiful time and it was all worth it.

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Well, here I am. My name is Bob Chubarov and I'm a geek, though a slow to adopt new stuff type of geek. I'm not sure how much I'll update this, but you never know, I might actually enjoy this.

A buddy of mine, Jason, has been doing some pretty extensive blogging over at I decided that now that I've moved to GA and have gotten married, communication of thoughts, rants, family updates could be better accomplished in this form. I have noticed that catch-up conversations only revolve around major topics, but day-to-day things are completely over looked. I might have a conversation with someone at work about a typical geek rant & then have the same or similar conversation with several people after work. However, being so remote from friends and family, I might not have said conversation with them because they were not available or I ran out of time and then the next time I talk to them, the idea has faded. I think that I can save myself a lot of time with separate conversations and consolidate my time into a single effort. Lets see how this works out, shall we?

By the way, I'm going to post some things in reverse to get caught up. There have been many an issue and delight since I moved from home. I'm going to travel in reverse thru these events while they are on my mind the freshest & move to the eldest. The more recent ones are the most monumental, so likely they will be longer than the older ones because of the amount of detail and because I remember the most about them at this time. Please bear with me while I get caught up.

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