Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Christmas Vacation

For those of you that are not aware, I have been off of work since December 20th. Much as not transpired during my time off. Therefore, I'll just hit the highlights.

Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2): This has been my affliction for most of my vacation. I can't tell you how much time I have put into the game in the past 2 weeks. However, I will tell you that I have progressed from the middle of Act I to the middle of Act III in that time. I know for most of you that doesn't mean too much, but for those that know the game, there is your reference.

Blackjack: For some background, I'm working on a project with Beagle, Ray & a few others to implement a game that we would like to play online. As far as any more specifics, I can't say. It is of a classified nature and can't publicly share that information. However, I can tell you that Blackjack is our first adventure into the technology and it is looking promising. Prior to my vacation we had already established that we can get a lobby working. Those of you not intimate with the project, I'm sorry, the update won't mean much.

So, as for my update, I've put some time into creating documentation, however, not too much. The biggest thing to note with it is that I've implemented XSLT into the lobby and proved that the method would work and have been puttering around with the game table.

Christmas: Angel & I spent the holiday together. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve at Kathy & Ernie's. Chris and kids, Jay, the Skorzas and Nancy were present. What a spread they had put together, there was too much food there to mention everything, but I've got to say, the Prime Rib that Ernie made was incredible. As for Christmas Day, we were in no hurry to be awake, I think we rolled out of bed at around 11AM. We opened what gifts we had accumulated from our parents and each other. It was different. Just us, no kids, no hustle & bustle. It wasn't until around 2 that we departed for Aunt Linda's. It was nice. Uncle Larry made a mean meatloaf for dinner. But the best thing was, not having to run everywhere & anywhere for once. It was been a long time since I'd only had one place to go on Christmas. Usually it is a run from the start. It was nice to be more, um, casual with our time. Don't get me wrong, I would have done the running around if I would have been at home and not have complained about it. But to not run from the start was a welcome change. The adult conversation was a welcomed difference too. Typically, it is a constant barrage of kids. Anyway, It was good to be around family for the holidays, even it if wasn't the family we were used to being with.

New Years: This was also different from the past few years that I've spent at home. It has almost become tradition that we go to Dustin's for the ringing in of the new year. Well, we had a nice & quiet time alone for our first new years married. We spent the early part of new year's eve shopping at the mall on gift cards. What a wonderful way to shop. Once we returned home and realized that we were not going to be hanging with Chris for the night, we just decided to stay home. We played Monopoly and watched some movies followed by some channel flipping between the 3 stations having festivities televised. Quiet, quaint, and atypical, but once again, a good night.

So, there you have it, a synopsis of the past two weeks or so. To all of you that have taken the time to read my post, Happy New Year!!!


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