Friday, March 28, 2008

More Yard Work

Well, this week has been interesting. Angel has put more time into the yard than I have. She is so thankful that our neighbor has lent us his backpack blower. She was just moving along in the yard with that thing. I have been limited to intervals between work and sundown. At most I have put 6 hours into the yard this week. The combined tally of time spent in the yard is ~28 man hours.

It is surprising that in a one and a half day span, the two of us put in 14 hours and it takes 4 days to put in the same amount of time. I guess that is what a 40+ hour a week job will do to housework.

Speaking of house work, the time not spent in the yard this week can be attributed to house cleaning. Angel's parents are currently on their way down to visit with us. We had to give the house a good straightening up. We had done some "spring cleaning" in the past few weeks so this wasn't a full scale scrub down this time. Yet, the living room, kitchen, bathrooms and the floors needed some attention. Therefore, Angel didn't put as much time into the yard as she could have. I did my house work contributions after dark so my yard time wasn't effected.

Anyway, I'll repost the slide show from the previous post (Yard Work) that now includes additional pictures toward the end to illustrate the progress we've completed. During this past week in conversation with colleagues and friends, it has been estimated that we're trying to clean up ~11,000 sq. ft. of land. Between the length of time it has been neglected and scale of land to be cleaned, this project timeline has well overrun my expectations for completion. Thankfully there is not a hard deadline to complete this task, yet I feel that the sooner the better. Once it starts getting too green out there, the project will be extended much further. Small trees, weed sprouts, and fallen twigs have a way of making progress slow.

The backpack blower has proven to be invaluable. I am about certain that I have one of these guys in my near future. Even with the removal of all of the minorly established brush and trees, the well established trees are still numerous and fallen leaves will occur again. Likely next time I want to undertake this cleansing project, my neighbor will be doing the same. Therefore, it is likely within my best interest to acquire one of my own.

Well, with the 'rents on the visit this weekend, it will be interesting to see how the project progresses over the weekend. I still hope to invest some time into the progress as after this weekend it will be three weekends until I can address it again. Next weekend is a drill weekend and the following weekend is a trip to Alabama. I would think that in a three week timespan, green stuffs in the yard will certainly be on the prowl. Therefore, it is in my best interest to put a dent into the yard work sooner rather than later.


Obviously, there is more to come on this topic.


J Beagle said...

Looked like after the cleanup you have a lot of bare patches. I take it after you finish the cleanup you'll have to mess around with planting grass?

Gigawatz said...

In theory, that would be a wonderful idea. However, fiscally I doubt it will get done this summer. Time & money will tell.

I'd rather deal with the bare spots and be able to try to do something with it rather than a mess of leaves with god knows what under it. At least I can now take my lawn mower down there at need. I was afraid to do that previously and apparently with good reason.