Saturday, April 19, 2008

Brief Update

This is just a preview post for a few topics that I will be posting following this one with further details. It has been a little while since my last contribution to my blog. I felt that some of the recent topics required a follow-up.

1. Workout - Well, since the back incident, the P90X program has not been resurrected as of yet. However, I pledged that I was going to start running & other preparation for my up coming PT test. Well, that hasn't worked out so much better either. Since my second run last week, I have yet to go again. This past weekend had much to do with that, which lead directly into a user conference for work and then more yard work. Hopefully, next week will bring more disciplined results.

2. Yard work - Yes, the yard work continues. We have well exceeded 40 man hours of work that has been invested in this adventure. Unfortunately, I heard a rumor that rain is expected this weekend and in the event that it does appear, that will thwart further progress there. I'm hoping for a poor meteorological read for the weekend outlook and that I might be able to call the "finding of the yard" complete. See the follow-up post for more information as to what we've done recently and some of the things we're planning.

3. Car Stereo - Well, I competed in my first MECA Sound Quality Competition this past weekend. Lets just say that based on my results I have something to be proud of in my car. However, my creation is not exactly "audiophile" quality yet. Unfortunately, the leap further into that classification will be long in coming. See the follow-up post on the topic for more details.

4. Alabama Trip days 1 and 2 - The early departure for Alabama was credit to the White's. We had been invited to share in the event of a friend renewing their vows. We took the trip and had some notable situations occur in route that will be contained within the follow-up post, but what it boils down to is that the trip was safe, fun, and enlightening. Just a quick note, southern weddings are distinctly from their northern counterparts. However, it doesn't diminish the special nature of the event or the enjoyment of participating, it is just different from what I've come to expect.

So, be sure to check out the additional details on the 3 topics that require follow-up and as always I hope you enjoy this little window into our life together along with our trials, tribulations, and events that we have the opportunity to share with you.

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