Friday, March 25, 2011

2011 PT Test

I took my PT test this morning. I got myself all hyped up on energy
drinks early (just after i rolled out of bed I took my first drink).
I did my pre-PT test ritual (I'll leave out the details) and was out
at the assembly area for 0545. Wow, was today ever windy. I'm
actually surprised that they gave the go-ahead for taking the test.
Anyway, the PU & SU went well, as expected. I did 43 PU and 59 SU.
Once the SU event was over and I was done holding the feet of the next
soldier to test, I took my "insurance" shot. I had a 5-Hour Energy
drink that I was saving for this. It was then that I took it. That
gave me about 15-20 minutes for it to kick in and then it was start
time for the run.

When we assembled at the start line, I was pleased to find that the
line I was using for the start was wrong. Therefore, I started the
run with a little more confidence. The line I was using was about 25m
longer. Previously in the week I was doing 2 mile training runs.
Tuesday's run was a nice 16:35 time. However, I did that without
doing any PU or SU before hand. Also, I found out that I shorted the
track by a couple 10's of meters. Then on Wednesday I gave myself a
complete mock test. I did my PU & SU (42 & 52 respectively) and set
out for my run. Knowing this time that I had shorted the day before,
I ran the correct distance (plus my longer start line) and came in at
a scary 18:37. That certainly didn't help my confidence.

Anyway, today I approached the line and I was riveted. I was ready to
go. It was interesting, I was the first off the line. Though, I was
passed quickly by a over-adventurous younger soldier. Within 50m I
caught him. He burned himself pretty quickly. So, I kept my pace.
After I regained the lead of the pack, I held it for quite a time. I
was approaching the 3/4 mile mark before I was overtaken. I was
surprised that I held it for that long. Granted, I wasn't running
with the entire company, just the PT failures and overweight
population. I was only one of a few that were taking a record test
because the others were just a diagnostic. Their record tests will be
next month.

The course we ran was a U shape and caused us to have some pretty
funky effects due to wind. So, once I made the second turn to toward
the 1 mile mark, I had the wind at my back and all was going well. I
was shocked when I got to the turn. I had covered the first mile in
just 7:45. That is about 45 seconds faster than my typical pace. It
was at this point that I had a clear impression that I was going to

I was the 3rd person to the turn. On the way back to the wall, we had
the wind at our face. It was just sheer will that I pushed thru. It
was at about the 1 1/2 mile mark that I hit my "wall". My legs wanted
to give in; my lungs were screaming; I wanted to stop. But, I knew
that I just needed to survive another 1/2 mile in order to lock in a
passing grade. I pushed thru. When I reach the point of having
approximately 400m to go, I opened my stride. I tried to suck wind as
quickly as possible. I wanted to sprint from there. I knew if I did,
I'd kill it, so I didn't. I held off and it was good that I did.
When I reached the 100m mark I felt that I was close on time. There
was a runner in front of me that was being paced by others. I heard
someone say something about "17 minutes". However, I ignored that and
pushed on, hoping against hope.

The last 100 meters were hell. I wanted to stop, I felt like I was
about to puke, my legs were burning, they were feeling very heavy. My
breathing was rapid, I was at my peak heart rate (or so). It was pure
desire that got me over the line. When I crossed the line all I heard
was the second. "34". "34" what? 17:34? 16:34? I had to ask my
grader. He gave me the news and it was good. I crossed the line with
26 seconds to spare. 16:34! I punched my arms in the air and tried
to yell, but the best I got was a gaspy squeak. Apparently it was an
ambiguous sound because my peer (B Co 44th ESB C&E Maint NCOIC) came
over to see if I were ok and if I was victorious or defeated. I was
pleased to tell him it was a "GO".

So, after the test was completed, I hung around encouraging the others
that were going to their knees and all after crossing the line. We
had a couple of people puke, myself almost being one of them. I was
lucky, mine was just a burp. :) Anyway, after the finish line started
to break-up, we headed over to the TOC to weigh in. I am at the max
weight for my height and age (age 32, 5' 8 1/2", 183 lbs). If I were
to put on any additional weight, I will have to get tape measured to
confirm that I'm below some body mass index value in the 20's. I
think 22 for active duty and 24 for NG.

So, my next objective is to drop some weight. I'm not sure how, but
it is on my focus list. 15-20lbs drop would be awesome.

I have been told that the E6 promotion list comes out in May. I
expect that is when I'll finally get to wear my rocker. Today I
passed my PT test which will certainly keep me as a go for my
promotion. I think it is just a matter of biding my time and it will

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