Friday, March 28, 2008

Signed on the dotted line.....

Well, as most of you know, that time has come again. Most of you are well aware that I have a second job. I am a proud member of the Army Reserve National Guard. Well, as I stated almost exactly three years ago, "This is the last time I will do this unless something goes horribly wrong." Well, nothing HORRIBLY wrong has occurred, however, my financial expectations of the last three years has not become that of what I was expecting. I am not saying that I'm not satisfied with what I have accomplished financially within the past three years, however, it is not what I had anticipated.

To make a long story short, a side project that I was anticipating to be live and making money hasn't yet entered into any solid development work. Therefore, a CTO I am not and I am still employed by corporate America. Therefore, since I am still an employed IT professional for someone other than myself and my business partner my income has not blossomed into what I had dreamed it would have been.

Between buying a new car, the move to GA, fixing my car, buying a house, getting married (none of which I regret and will not complain about short of the financial aspect), our finances are a bit strapped. Uncle Sam has provided a way for us to escape a large portion of our current debt.

This year I have found myself quite the windfall to put us into a more favorable financial situation.

  • A moderately large tax return
  • Performance Bonus from work
  • Installment #2 for my current Army contract
None of these mentioned thus far were outside my expectations for this year. Let me explain why.

The tax return was the product of claiming Single 1 on my W-4 for the majority of the year and some other write-offs (such as medical). The performance bonus from work was expected, though I did get a bonus that was larger than what I had anticipated. Lastly from that list, is the second installment to my current contract. When I reenlisted in 2005, I was completely out of the Army and the contract bonus incentive dispersement method was split payment. 1/2 at the start and the remaining at the end. Well, that contract is coming to a close and I have been expecting that value.

Now, what I wasn't expecting was to re-up again. Uncle Sam's enticing proposal was three fold. The first (and most lucrative), is $15k for signing on the line for six more years. This bonus is taxed so you can deduce what I will be bringing home. Secondly, they offered an additional bonus in the form of a Student Loan Repayment Plan. Every three years, Uncle Sam will contribute 15% or $3k (taxable income) toward my existing student loans. Lastly, this is not related to my reenlistment but is worth mentioning, is another $10k bonus when I am awarded my commission when I become an officer in the Army. At this time I can't tell you if that will be a Warrant Officer or Lieutenant, but they both offer the incentive. However, that additional bonus will not be available for the minimum of one year out from my contract start date of 20080413.

For those who would like to know my motivations to become an officer, it is a long story and will need to be another post for another time. The reasons are numerous. Although, one of the single driving forces is that in signing this latest contract will take me over the 10 years of service line. 20 years are the requirement for a retirement. Within the job that I currently hold in the Army caps out at my current rank of Specialist. I refuse to remain a lowly Specialist for the next 11 years of my military career. (Don't ask why I don't change jobs, that will be covered in the subsequent officer motivation post.) Becoming an officer (either) will provide me a route to utilize the skills that I already possess to obtain advancement in the Army, provide service in a fashion that is productive and finally, will be fulfilling.

For those that are unhappy about the news, I'm sorry. I have evaluated my current and future situation and have found that it is in my best interest currently to do this again. As for my future situation, completing 20 years of service and obtaining a Federal guaranteed VA retirement with medical benefits is something worth working for. Also, I would venture to say that those of you upset with my decision to further pursue a military career and retirement have the worry about deployment. Yes, being deployed is a bad situation. Going to war means risking my life for my country. Yes, I could loose my life in my pursuit. That is the risk I am willing to take. I know MANY people that have gone to war, some of them several times, and have returned in once piece.

Please don't misconstrue this message as me saying that I want to go to war. That is not the case. I would have no regrets if I complete a 20 year career and never have to enter a war zone. Although, I have consciously signed on the dotted line and if my name or number is called, I will execute the job I have been training to do all of these years.


For those interested in our timeline for kids, this will expedite those plans. This financial windfall this year is going to go a long way in the removal of our debt which will subsequently allow us to afford to move forward with our family.

Please don't worry, what will be will be and what has been done is, in fact, done.



Mom said...

Yes son you hit the nail on the head....sniff sniff...... I am not mad or angry....just worried,but I understand were you are coming from, stand behind you in whatever you do and am very proud of what you have accomplished in your life so far. Love you son....P.S. I guess I shouldn't have read this at work. Love you again mom

Tyler said...

We have discussed my feelings on the Army so I don't need to reiterate that. I think it is a general consensus within the family that although we would all worry if you were deployed, we are all very proud of what you have and will accomplish. I look up to you as a role model and I know personally that I could never be mad at you for reenlisting. Take care Bob@Angel I love you both