Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More Network Woes

Well, now that I thought I had my network up and running and stable, the most unexpected situation has occurred. Mother Nature. Isn't it just a bitch? A storm rolled in and we got surged. Of all things to be damaged in the storm, my network equipment was the last thing that I had anticipated.

I thought my equipment was safe. I had the power to the devices protected by not only a UPS, but also a surge protector. The only thing that I can speculate about is that the cable line got hit and backfed into my network. All be told, I have lost my brand new WiFi router, VOIP voice adapter, a network switch, two wired NICs, and a ceiling fan. I had initially thought that my cable modem was shot also, but that is not the case. It has decided to begin working again. Apparently the online issues I was experiencing after the surge were related to something in the Comcast network and not my device.

I don't know how long my issues will persist, but I have a purchase order in with my VOIP provider for a new SIP device and I will have to wait until the stores reopen to purchase the devices of which I have lost and have to replace. The network switch in question was a temporary device that I had placed into my office to provide 2 wired network connections. For work purposes, a wired connection is so much better. However, for leisure purposes, wifi is the way to go. To lie in bed, relaxing, and browsing the web or posting a blog message is so very, very nice.

Anyway, I just thought I would share my latest hurdle in home ownership. I'm pretty sure that there is more to come on this topic.


J Beagle said...

I've seen surge protector's that will protect phone lines. With the popularity of cable connections I wonder how long it will till they do the same for cable lines.

I'd also like to point out that fiber is immune to such problems. So any ISP that will run it to my house, I'd be interested. Purely for the safety from lightning.

Gigawatz said...

Yes, a surge protector that addresses cable lines is certainly in my future. I think I have seen them before, so I will have to find one.

As for your fiber comment, I agree 100%. I have already tried to talk my dad into leaving Comcast and going with Verizon's FIOS package. I wish I could. I would in a heartbeat.