Thursday, October 21, 2010

"Friendly advise"

To every friend, acquaintance and family member. I've finally had my fullfillment of what everyone calls friendly advise and helpfulness.

Ever since Cat has been born and Bob has left my ears have not stopped hearing it from every direction. From your house needs this to you need to make friends and everything inbetween.

It is now officially insulting, rude and demeaning. Yes I know that my windows are open. Guess what! I did that myself and I am reminded every morning with how nice and cool it feels. I do not need to make new friends I've got plenty thank you. And I don't need to call my doctor's office everyday to hear a voice. Another guess what. They get so flooded with phone calls that they now charge for every phone call that comes in so they can cut down on the amount so they can do their freaking job with the patients that are coming in their front door! And if I wanted to join a Mommy and me group I would have already freaking found a place and joined. And thanks to all the mother's telling me about ear infections. YES I KNOW THAT IT GOES ALONG WITH TEETHING. I'm not stupid.

If I want advise I'll ask for it. And when I ask for it don't tell me that I need to make friends or call my doctor's office or this is what I did with my kids. YES I KNOW THAT YOU GAVE YOUR KIDS WATER WHEN THEY WERE BABIES AND YES I KNOW THAT YOU DID THIS AND THAT YOU DID THAT. I don't care at this point what other people did with their kids or what I should be doing with my house. I'm more then capable of figuring things out on my own. I know what needs to be done with my house thank you. Are you going to come and babysit my child for me instead of doing it? No your not. So shut up. Are you going to let me figure things out for myself with my child? Probably not. Unless it is going to cause bodily harm or bleeding shut up.

I'm tired of being the one having to listen to everyone else because I have to show respect. WHERE'S MY FUCKING RESPECT!!!!!!! I'm officially going to start cutting ties with anyone that will not listen to me at this point. I'm tired of the undermining and people saying I'm just trying to be helpful or forgetting. I don't care what they are calling it these days. I pretty much already have to tell people that they are not allowed to come to my house because of adults being childish and not abiding my rules and discipline. All because they are in their 50's and don't want to act it and feel that people MUST respect them. Well guess what. If you don't respect me then I'm sure as hell not going to respect you. I don't care who you are. This is the last straw and I'll turn away anyone that I see fit that will not abide by me. If these means that I don't see people in Pittsburgh anymore either then fine. I need to draw the line in order to be heard at this point.