Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rehearsal - The Day Of

Today is the last day that we'll spend as an unwed couple. So what do we do? Spend most of it apart. Odd. Anyway, the day is already planned for me, get my tux (read on for details on that one), visit work, meet back up with Angel to take a trip to the cemetery and then back on the wedding wagon we go.

Today, as with the rest of this past week, I'm without a vehicle of my own. Thankfully, Josh has the day off also and I'll be hanging with him for my errands. So, lets back track for a moment here and discuss the previous nights highlight event. Thursday before the wedding, time to get the tux.

My intention was to get all of the guys together in the party to do the fitting thing and then chill. Well, since my planning skills are less than stellar, this didn't work out as I had wanted. Life goes on. Earl & ride down to have our final fitting and there is a large line. Josh and Dan are going to be arriving shortly. My dad, Camren, Ray, and Beagle already did theirs throughout the day (good thinking on their behalf).

Anyway, Dad & I wait in line for some time. We get to the front & the guy starts looking for my ticket. Guess what? My tux is in Georgia, not 20 minutes down the road from my house. Well, that isn't going to do me much good since I'm in Pittsburgh. They promise me that they will have it the next day. So, I hang around until the rest of the guys finish up (dad was the first to leave) so we can head over to the North Park Clubhouse (yes, the one in Robinson Town Centre). The only thing I keep thinking is that I can't call Angel to let her know about this. She doesn't need the stress (and I am thinking that she is having a makeshift bachelorette party, later to discover, it was just dinner & chilling much like I was doing). Regardless of what she was doing, she didn't need to know about my issues yet.

At the Clubhouse, we had a crew. Tom, Jenny, Josh, Lisa, Dan, Jeff, April (and Evie) & myself crammed around a six person table. It worked out just fine though. It was a good time, we kicked back, had a few drinks, played some games, called it a night. It was good to see April & Jeff again and to meet their newest edition (or addition, whichever). Tom gave me a ride home & then I got to break the news to Angel. Of course, as you would expect, she was like, WHAT?!?!? How could this happen. I explained to her that even though when I had my initial fitting we called the Robinson store to confirm their store number and I was assured that my tux would be in Pittsburgh that it didn't work out that way. I would get it the next day.

Back to Friday now. Josh picks me up after we did some last minute errands which included running to the reception hall to drop of our required contribution to the decorations and food and then a final visit with the florist. Needless to say, mom & dad were more then happy for me to be gone at the point we got back. Angel & I had been acting like a couple of kids and they made us know about it. They even threatened to separate us if we didn't start acting our ages. (of course I started hearing the line "What's my age again?".

Well, once Josh picks me up, we get the tux. Thankfully there wasn't anything wrong with it (except I had to exchange the shirt for one with longer sleeves) that would have required me to return again the next day. That would have been bad. From the tux, we head to Station Square to give a holler at some of my coworkers.

Of course, this is never a quick event. I really only had an hour to do this before Angel would get upset with me because of the visit to the cemetery. Well, you don't want to hear about the office jabber and miscellany that happened at the office so I'll spare you that. However, we were there for just about 2 hours when I get the call from Angel, "Where are you?". At this point I know I'm in trouble. Thankfully it worked out because we just met her at the cemetery to save time. She got a bit upset with me about it, but once she got to there, the anger subsided and all was good.

We didn't spend much time there, however, it was just enough. The trip back to the house was fraught with traffic and slowdowns. We get back to the house in just enough time for Tracey to leave and do what she needed before arriving just on-time at the church. There was quite a reception at the church by the time we got there. Ooops, did you need us to start this thing? Oh, well, I guess that was partially my fault. Especially between the over run visit to the office and then needing to wrap gifts before the reception. We didn't leave the house until 5 to 6 and we were supposed to be there at 6. We were only a couple of moments late. Angel's parents don't live far from the church.

The rest of the events from this point on this day can be found here.

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