Wednesday, November 14, 2007

P90X Day 3

Well, today marks our third day of this project and 4th day of daily exercising. I woke up today in the worst possible shape (I hope it only gets better from here). I was not moving very well at all. My hip flexers hurt, my triceps, my shoulders, my pecs. I was in a very bad way. Walking to the kitchen required me to take one step at a time, step down, match previous foot's step, take a step down, and etcetera, I'm sure you get the picture. Then once breakfast was over, to get to the bathroom, since I had been sitting for a couple of hours, it took me several steps to be able to fully stand up. I was walking hunched over for a while.

Then the 1 o'clock hour rolled around. Time to exercise again. Are you kidding me, it is hear already? Anyway, I sucked it up and hoped that the pre-event stretching would do the number to get me moving. Thankfully, this was the case. We spent somewhere between 4 and 7 minutes warming up and I was mobile again.

Today's torture workout was arms and shoulders. Thankfully, this did not include any push ups or pull ups. All of the moves were of a weight resistance variety. As the program book indicated, the muscles we were focusing on today are smaller then those of the chest and back. Therefore, the moves that focused on the shoulders and tries require less weight than we have available. I wasn't even able to do some of the moves with the red (smallest) band. We have this purple thing that we picked up from a moving sale the other day (the intention was to use the handles and use one of the packaged bands for the training. However, there isn't any way that I can see to easily remove the purple band and put another one in place. This purple thing I'm referencing is at least 1/2 or smaller then the smallest band from Beach Body. After today's exercise I can certainly seen the benefit in using free weight dumb bells as opposed to bands.

Unfortunately, the free weight dumb bell set is certainly out of our financial range at this point. I will have to do with what we have. This might mean slower progress, but right now, small is better than the backwards direction I was moving in previously.

Following the arm and shoulder routine, we completed another cycle of Ab Ripper X. Being only the second time we've done this I was quite surprised that I was able to improve on form and repetition count. I know that will will take much longer to be able to do each and every exercise as directed for the number of repetitions. However, noticing improvement in only 3 days was a surprise. The routine actually sucks, it hurts, it's rough, but I'm looking forward to the results.

Last nights dinner was a huge hit. We had some turkey breast and gravy with green beans and butternut squash soup. The soup was a huge hit. We did not have a clue as to how it was going to turn out or taste. Well, it did not disappoint. It was as good as any other different concoction that we've had to date.

Tonight's dinner is a bit of a different story. We had halibut with a pesto sauce, wild grain rice and zucchini. Well, I enjoyed all of it. Angel was a different story. The halibut turned out to be not as palatable for her as it did with me. Especially with the pesto sauce, I found it magnificent. Well, we now know we have a dinner to substitute because it doesn't agree with both of us. I do have to give Angel credit, she tried it. Which is more than she would have done not too long ago. Just because it is fish, some time ago she wouldn't have even entertained it. Thankfully this has changed, but the halibut goes on to the no list.

Tomorrow we will be doing Yoga. I don't have the first clue as to what to expect. I have some general ideas which I'm sure will be found to be completely wrong. I guess I'll have to tell you about that once we're done with it tomorrow.


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