Thursday, November 15, 2007

P90X Day 4

Well, today, as with the last few days, started off being sore. Same muscle groups and same deal as before. However, there are signs that it is lightening up. I'll know more for sure in a couple of days. Anyway, today's scheduled event was Yoga. There are a few problems with this.

  1. I only get 1 hour for lunch and this program is 1 1/2 hours long. From the get go, I knew I wouldn't be able to finish the entire thing.

  2. I am still very sore. Being in the plank position (or in the Army, front leaning rest) and all of its variations was no easy task for over 20 minutes.

  3. I am not flexible. I can't do many things and keep my legs straight or wrap myself into a ball and hold my own hands in positions that men were not supposed to be in. Don't get me wrong, the person guiding this program is a guy and he can do it. However, I'm still too new and stiff to be able to do it.

Don't get me wrong, it was different. I think that this could be a beneficial thing to do. However, I think it is too early to be worrying about flexibility while the sore factor is still thru the roof. Let my muscles get used to this abuse and then we'll think about it.

For example, my muscles are so sore that I don't have much strength in them to do a single push up regardless of trying to stay in variations of the push up position for long periods of time.

However, I did find one aspect of the routine easy. Balance positions. These guys were pretty easy. It felt more like stretching for a workout then actually doing a workout. There were 4 on the program and I was able to do 2 with ease, 1 with some form issues and I didn't try the other. I'm sorry, I can't do a many push ups right now, I'm not trying to put all of my weight on my hands. Nope, sorry, not going to do it yet.

I'm not sure if it was because we are still learning it and trying to understand what the different positions are, but it really didn't feel like a workout. I hope once we get further into this the benefits will be obvious. Although, we might have to move our Yoga workout to a different room. Either we need more floor space, take out the ceiling fan, or the bed has to go if we're going to do any more Yoga in the bed room. We were either hitting each other or hitting walls and that's not a good thing. Well, I guess I'll let you know how things go next Thursday when we do it again.

Oh, what you say? Next Thursday is Thanksgiving? Uh huh, what about it. We're on a schedule and we're still going to exercise over the holiday and away from home. Are we nuts. Likely. The only major hurdle we need to figure out is how to do pull ups at my mothers house. Right now the rest of our equipment is very portable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One thing good about this program is that you hold your time and it's not really time consuming. Just a couple of hours a day and you will achieve the body that you dream of.