Monday, December 10, 2007

December to date - 12/10

Well, life has been busy. Between work, workouts, house cleaning and holiday decorating, time has been scarce. I am not complaining, however, 24 hours is a day is certainly too few. Therefore, something has got to give. In my case, in the interests of productivity, blogging has suffered the most. I would like to create a daily update, but this has not been possible. I have not abandoned the use of this, just frequency has been seriously cut.

Once I get them taken, there will be photos of the house all decorated, inside-and-out, there will be more updates regarding P90X milestones (like tonight is day 30 & it is photo progress update time already) and general life/work/holiday updates will also come around.

What I'm getting at is, check back when you can, I can't promise the frequency of updates. I would like to promise that I won't go weeks again without updates, but I can't hold myself to that at this time.


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