Thursday, February 28, 2008


Hey Peeps,

As some of you know Bob travels here and there with work. Usually for at least a few days if not close to a week at a time. Well, this month he was gone for what felt like at least half the month. I swear the cat love's it when he's gone but that is besides the point.

Seeing that this isn't the first time being alone in the house and won't be the last time either. This last time that Bob went out of town I got really paranoid one night for some reason. I heard every little noise possible in and out of the house. The cat scared me and fear of the dark came over me. It could have been that there was a full moon that night plus the lunar eclipse on top of it. I don't know. But, essentially I had to turn on every light in a room and that didn't help. At time's I would have a flashlight in hand. I kept thinking that someone was in the house with me.

Now, I'm 29 year's old. I should not be feeling like this. And I know that there are a lot of you that know me and know that this isn't the first time that you have heard of me doing something weird like this. And I kept trying to remind myself that I'm a big girl now and I've lived on my own alone before. So, why can't I deal with just a few days of being in the house by myself. After one of the many times of telling myself that I heard a noise and went running upstairs and hid under the blanket. Practically in tears I called my Mom. Why? I felt like I was 5 again. Yes I felt stupid doing that but I had to hear someone's voice telling me that everything was okay. And no this was not the same night that the tree broke. That was the first week this month that Bob went away for work.

I did get over this whole ordeal the next day. I can't explain why this happened after almost a year of being in the house. I could have seen this happening the first time of being alone in the house. But, I know that I'm just weird like that. It's like burning myself on the stove when I was around 20, or running into my parents bedroom after having a nightmare at 19. And I can't forget the time that I set my hair on fire from candles when I was around 21. So, this is just one of the many things that I have done as an adult that should have been about 20 years ago and not now. You can just call me special.

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