Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tree Down

Hey Everyone,

Please forgive me if for some reason this sounds jumbled or whatever. This is my first blog posting out our site.

I felt that this has a lot of significance with being homeowners now and having our very first tree fall down in our yard. As quite a few of you know that we have a good amount of tall trees in our back yard. Well, a few weeks ago we had some pretty high winds come through. One day the winds were close to 50 miles per hour.

It was on the second of these days that Bob was getting ready to leave for his weekend away with the National Guard that I heard a noise in the backyard. I didn't think anything of it seeing that the winds were high speed, plus having the neighbor dog running through our yard sometimes, and squirrels that love to make a ton of noise.

It wasn't until the next afternoon that I noticed one of the tree's was broken. It hadn't fallen yet but it was obvious that it was broken on the trunk. So, I looked from a safe place to see where it would land when it would fall and noticed that it wouldn't hit anything or do damage. So, it didn't phase me any to tell Bob at that point. Then about an hour later I heard a loud noise. When I looked out the back door I noticed that the tree was now laying down on it's side. Calmly I sent Bob a text message letting him know that it fell. Looking back I'm surprised that he just didn't call me back about it. But, he did respond to me asking if there was damage. Thankfully there wasn't.

I later went out to look at our other trees. Seeing that if it was any of the others we would have had some good damage done and I would have been on the phone to see how to put our homeowner's insurance into effect. Seeing that we could have had broken window's or had our shed completely taken out with one of the other trees.

Bob has started cutting the tree into pieces. But, it's only half way done at best. We have a few idea's of what to do with this thing once it's completely cut. The one idea that I like the most is to sell it as firewood. At this point we can't really do that. It's pretty close to spring and we have yet to get through hell weather of summer.

I'm sorry that I don't have picture's to add to this post. I wasn't thinking about it before the tree fell. It could have been that I was to afraid of when it was going to fall that it didn't cross my mind.

I have to admit that this did remind me of growing up and seeing tree's that would fall because of lighting and stuff like that. And seeing what my parents had to go through with getting tree service's in to get them down. Welcome to home owner was one of the first things that ran through my mind with this.

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