Sunday, November 18, 2007

P90X Day 6

The last day of the first week. For the most part I rested this day, we started our workout after 9PM, which was after Angel got home from work. Today's workout is called Kenpo. I didn't have a clue what this all was going to include until I did some research online. Kenpo is a style of martial art. However, after doing the workout, the martial art aspect of the workout is missing. The workout just included multiple series of punches and kicks. There wasn't any discipline or any mumbo jumbo to go with it. This was a high cardio workout, low impact (assuming you do it properly). Apparently I can't punch properly with my left hand and I put some stress on my left elbow that appears to have disappeared with some sleep last night.

I have to say, I will be looking forward to this workout on a weekly basis. It is definitely a workout because the sweat you break is no joke. Also, the horse stance that is maintained for many movements is a bear on your quads. However, with the exception of making sure that I don't peak out my heart rate and getting the movements right (coordination is key to this exercise), it is not very difficult and is pretty fun.

There is one important key with this workout. You have to make sure that your exercise area is clear of foreign objects. Last night, one of the punching sequences included uppercuts and I found the ball that is on the corner of the foot board of the spare bed. Thankfully I didn't break anything, just got a cut and some bruising, but it could have been much worse.

Our meals yesterday included tuna salad for lunch and chicken salad for dinner. I guess I cheated a little bit because I ate each as sandwiches, but I need the extra carbs anyway. I've been feeling a bit lethargic lately and I think the additional carbs will resolve that problem. Man cannot live on protein and fat alone. :)

Today, Sunday, is our down day or rest day. We won't have another update for you until after tomorrow's workout. Therefore, we are 1 week down of 13 and things are going relatively well. I think that even with our minor meal setback on Friday, our discipline and motivation are still quite high. The workout that I've outlined this past week will continue for 2 more weeks before it is time to switch things up. Week 4 will be a "rest" week, though it will be no easier then the previous weeks, it doesn't include weight training, only cardio. Then our schedule will change up in Week 5.

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