Monday, November 19, 2007

P90X Day 8

Don't ask where P90X Day 7 went. It doesn't exist. Days on a multiple of 7 are rest days (aka. every Sunday). I know you don't want to hear about my 12 hours of NWN2 that was my Sunday, well, at least not here. So, here we are again, Phase 1 Day 1, Chest & Back followed by some Ab Ripper X. Today was a busy day at work, so today's workout was done after work at ~8 o'clock. This was a bad idea.

I felt dogged before I even started the workout. Trying to "Bring it!" was a hard task, but I brought it as I had it. I did work. It was tough. But I do know one thing, I am much less sore right now than I was last Monday at the same point in time. I don't know what tomorrow might bring, but right now I feel some minor discomfort, but I think I'll be able to sleep this off. I'll let you know tomorrow.

I think there were really two things that played into my fatigue during the routine. The first being the time of day as I had mentioned. However, as directly related to time of day, my eating habits could have had an impact. The only thing I had to eat (if you can call it that) today was my protein shake for breakfast around 11:30 AM. I had some tea thru the work day, but nothing substantial to prepare my body for the routine. Had I started my workout around 2 or 3, as we usually like to workout, I think I would have had the explosive energy that I'm used to having with which to workout.

Well, today I actually followed the instructions provided and logged the number of reps that I did for each exercise. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet (yes I know why they told me to do it, that wasn't my point, keep reading). I've thought about a Google Spreadsheet published so you can see my progress. However, the numbers look so bad right now, I might just keep it to myself. When I decide you will know.

Today's Ab Ripper X routine marks the third in the series. To my surprise, this is getting harder instead of easier. From what I can gather thus far, the first couple of rounds were for motion mastery. However, from motion mastery we get to the strength training. So, now that we know the movements, it is time to get serious. Each movement is done to a count of 25. I guess things appear to be getting harder because I'm pushing harder to make 25 through each exercise. Last week it was about doing it for the allotted time, and now I'm trying to survive each movement at pace at count. Therefore, things further into the routine are appearing to become harder, when in actuality, I'm just getting more tired. Interesting dynamic.

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