Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Redwings at Bruins - Hockey League - Week #9 - Game 8

Ok, well, I've been silent for quite a few weeks. I'm not going to get as in depth as usual because the details are not so fresh. However, I will try to get the details that I can recall to you.

This game was quite exciting for us. The Redwings were in a bad way this week. They had to recruit players from other teams to have a large enough roster to play and didn't appear to be on their game. They were definitely not on the same game as when they beat us in the first week of the season. Therefore, we handily (more or less) put them away, however, the scoreboard didn't quite demonstrate how one sided this game really was.

From the start of this game, we were in control of the court. Our team was clicking in a way that I had yet to see so far this season. However, it may not have been clicking such much as our scoring line was stepping up their game as individuals. There were several guys that just stood out throughout the night. Lane even managed to have another natural hat-trick in just a 2 or so minute period of time. We won this game, however, the score and margin escape me. The important thing to know is that we hit the .500 mark (4/4) with this win.

As for my performance, I can recall that my line kept sending me to the net. There were a minimum of 2 opportunities for me to get the puck in the back of the net and I couldn't pull the trigger for one reason or another. There was one instance, the best of the instances, where the defense man had me in a strong stick check and I couldn't get my stick to move in a forward direction. I had a wrap around attempt that the goalie handily covered and the last opportunity that I can recall was when I tried to take a shot from the top of the right face-off circle. The shot had some zip on it, however, it was just too dead center. I hit the goalie in the center of his chest. I was really hoping to take the shot and allow one of my teammates to get the rebound. That clearly didn't work when the goalie was able to cover it with ease. However, there was one play in which I was able to rack up my second point in the season. I got an assist when I was able to pass across the rink from left wing to the right wing and he was able to score.

As for my weekly update for injuries, I left this game with a pain in my knee. I don't remember what I did to cause the injury, but I did limp around the house for a few days. It wasn't anything serious, otherwise the pain would have been more severe and longer lasting.

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